Although I have no reason to doubt the nearly incomprehensible words of this here fellow, I’d be way more interested in hearing what those named as having trouble with the inestimably flava Ninja have to say.
Thanks Xeni for letting Ninja clear this up in his own wonderful words!
The text is peppered with little squares… I suppose there’s some font I don’t have? Freaky Sans 12 or something?
Emojis, smileys and so on
i said: fuck i wish it was true! but i haven’t been able to suck my own
dick since i was a teenager… i’m not supple enough anymore…
Ninja is a national treasure.
PD: Chappie was awesome. Loved it.
I really want to see a James Franco/Ninja buddy cop movie.
Really? Because I haven’t heard much of anything good about the movie aside from here where Die Antwoord are somewhat adored.
I thought it might have been the S African accent
It gave me a nice laugh. I thought it was funny. Rumors are usually just that. Is there ANY show or movie in which someone isn’t immediately declared all sorts of wrong on some tabloid? That’s how tabloids make money.
William Gibson posted a rave review of it on twitter (besides his comment on the marketing team at Sony screwing up their jobs).
ok. I have to go see this movie now.
Weird how much BB adores Die Antwoord, but then BB is usually all agog over the latest shiny thing, whatever it might be. Now that most Burners actively disavow their former love of dubstep, it’s only a matter of time before this band too finds their star has fallen. Re. Chappie, I actually feel slightly dumber for having seen it. Seems that in a year or two we’ll be able to don a helmet and FLASH BANG transfer our entire consciousness into a robot (or even R2R robot to robot) or onto a cheap USB thumb drive. We’ll also have A.I. that runs solo within an android rather than an enormous cloud computing farm, etc. and so forth. Boingboing, I just can’t count on you aesthetically any more.
I’m just going to go ahead and assume that this was an eloquent and coherent statement — on the planet you came from.
Wait. That was incoherent? Compared to the original statement by Ninja?! You can’t possibly be serious.
Oh, wait, I mean ¥ dat shit crazy wha da fuq
Chappie was crappy. Parts of it were spectacular, like the animation of chappie himself. However, additions like Die Antwoord make it total garbage. These illiterate diaper skid marks are not good as actors.
I don’t understand all the hate for Chappie - I really enjoyed it! I liked the juxtaposition of sweet loving, harsh experiences and funny macho posturing. Glad to hear times good times were had during filming.
Hippo had a Zulu accent? I thought it was hilarious that he got subtitles when he was the only one on screen I understood…
I Liked this because I thought you were talking about the original post. Then I saw that you were talking about something in English, and unLiked it.