Dilbert guy Scott Adams: white people should "get the hell away from black people"

It’s even worse, because – what’s so saddening, angering, & worrying about this (and this seems really obvious, but I just got it) – if someone this famous and (among many) well-liked actually said this, in public, in 2023 and possibly without repercussion (we’ll see), it kicks open the door for others who now feel emboldened. “Hey, I think those things, too, and he’s saying it out loud! More than Trump/Roseanne/Mel Gibson, even!” (By the way, anyone who actually has the stomach to watch Adams’ video, here’s another really firm grasp of the obvious: stay clear of the comments there.) Whatever gains we (collectively, all of us, due to the efforts & sacrifices of a few) have made before, during, and after the Civil Rights Era, Adams is a high-profile voice saying none of that matters if one doesn’t care, or more than that, doesn’t like it.

When I first heard about it yesterday, I mentioned it to my wife, and she asked “wow, how old is he, anyway?” Which I’m not really sure has anything to do with it. I reminded her of that disclaimer from a while back, “Ambien does not cause racism.” I don’t think old age does, either, per se – perhaps it merely loosens the reins among some.

(He’s 65.) (ETA: I’ve also seen this swing the other way, in someone way older than that.)

Also: just saw this on Wikipedia; it might be gone by the time anyone else looks:

I just finished a piano lesson; when I got started and slogged my way through the piece, my teacher just stared at me open-mouthed and said “Wow, you are carrying a lot of baggage. You’re swimming with weights.” (It got better after that)