Dim-witted cop admits playing pop music in expectation it will prevent video of him being uploaded

Dim-witted. That’s what the academy tests look for and desire.


“I just want to accelerate and lift up a bit.”

Yeah, right. His YT vids are all about popping wheelies.

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Seems like it might be possible to subtract the song to some extent, no? Might require some machine learning wizardry.




If not needing to stream it immediately could an attempt be made to remove the song by subtracting the inverse of the song’s sound wave from the recording, Then only the words of the ‘clever’ cop and the background audio be left.

The RIAA needs to be told about these public performances.


We coded an open-source tool that helps to keep video coverage shareable. It modifies copyrighted audio tracks to hide them from social media content filters. Find it at unfilteredtruth dot cc


Did you code that specifically for these kinds of police encounters or is that just one potential application?

Especially for these cases. Try it at unfilteredtruth dot cc (Sorry, can’t post links). There’s a detailed explanation and a link to the github repo.

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Right on! That’s really cool. And welcome to BoingBoing!

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You could actually do it in analogue with another copy of the song.

Yeah, “you can kill the Poors but don’t annoy any bankers”. That kind of policing is like when they move junkies on from tourist areas to avoid leaving a bad impression on tourists and they are forced into residential areas. It’s not unique to them obviously.

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