"Dinosaurs: The Terrible Lizards" is a short film by artist who worked on the original Star Trek and Land of the Lost

Originally published at: "Dinosaurs: The Terrible Lizards" is a short film by artist who worked on the original Star Trek and Land of the Lost | Boing Boing


When watching old docs about dinosaurs, it’s always sad to see how many of them are no longer with us.

I don’t mean the dinosaurs, obviously they aren’t, but the names of many of them haven’t survived the decades of revision.

This one held up pretty well, I think only Anatosaurus has gone obsolete. Brontosaurus did too, but then got revived a few years ago. That saved a lot of old dinosaur shows, since they all prominently mentioned Brontosaurus.


You name a dinosaur THUNDER LIZARD, the movie folks are gonna give it top billing.

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I was surprised that this was made in 1986. It seems so much older in terms of information and model work – though that score screams “mid-'80s.” Don’t get me wrong; I LOVE all of Wah Chang’s work, and stop-motion in general, but Bob Bakker’s “Dinosaur Heresies,” published in '86, revolutionized how we view dinosaurs today. Ironically this film, as fun and beautifully done as it is, was pretty much rendered obsolete the same year it was produced.

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