Disney employees duped into costly Florida move, project canceled

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/20/disney-employees-duped-into-costly-florida-move-project-canceled.html


As with all business offers, i can only hope they got something in writing, (or even text messages). Because if this is just the recalled characterization of one side of the story:

Honest Josh D’Amaro: Oh, Pinocchio, my dear boy! Have I got a golden opportunity for you! How would you like to move to the sunny paradise of Florida? Just imagine it—palm trees, tax credits, and a shiny new billion-dollar campus in Lake Nona!

…yer toast. Knew a couple of excellent synthetic chemists who took the boss at his (spoken) word to establish a “huge lab” in Singapore, which they moved to, only to have the VCs (venture capitalists) “go in a new direction” -sigh-


My suspension of disbelief was killed when Pinocchio complained that his Orlando home was smaller than his LA home.


I think Ron DeSantis’ war on Disnay may have had something to do with the decision not to move forward with the Nona campus.


Honest John: Oh, lawsuits, schmawsuits! You’re part of the Disney family, and families stick together. Actually, now that you have those unsightly donkey ears, you are an eyesore. Begone, foul pestilence your only option is aribitration! Didn’t you read your fine print when you agreed to move?



Back in the mid 90’s, when I’d been at my job for about a decade and about a year after buying my house my employer offered people the chance to move to Texas for some new project. I thought it over & decided it wasn’t worth it to me at that point so I stayed put.

A few years later it looked for a time as if the project I’d stayed behind for was going to get shut down & I’d be out of a job, and that the people who had moved to Texas were the smart ones. But then that didn’t happen and a few years after that, the Texas project shut down; some of the people who moved to Texas came back, others decided to stay there.

It’s all a gamble, no matter what you do. You choose and then you live with the consequences; nothing is certain.


As I recall a number of Disney engineers chose to retire or seek other employment after the now-cancelled move was announced in 2021 because they had no desire to leave California for Florida. This bungle cost the company a crap-ton of institutional knowledge.


I dont get the appeal of FL Hot and getting hotter Insurance costs are high and getting higher no longer the cheap state to live in and its just boring in FL


It might be the third cheapest state in the US to make new land in, though. I’m sure they have well-worked Aquaculture, Environment, Key Amendment and Breakwaters departments.


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