Disney's identikit women

This is such a tired topic. It’s always been this way. Disney is a massive, profit-seeking corporation which distills products to the lowest common denominator to increase its profit-providing demographic. Man I’m bored by this conversation. Stop consuming Disney products, or continue beating your heads against this wall. It won’t change.


[Some pop-economics hogwash from a straight white man with a 2nd-grade level understanding of libertarianism and capitalism, stating that Disney movies sell well, Q.E.D. consumers want - nay DEMAND - that the female leads in all movies look and act identically. And that, if a private individual (or group of individuals) were to write to Disney and ask them to kindly please increase variety in the facial structure and ethnic makeup of its heroines, this would be tantamount to CEN-SOR-SHIIIIIIIIP!]


I would go further; I think Disney is Antichrist, and Mickey is the seven-horned goat foretold in Revelation.

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“For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.”

If you don’t like it, fine, but don’t criticize those that do.

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Is it okay to mock them?

It’s not very nice.

Because they pimp for Internet Explorer.

Thy all look like Cameron Diaz. So what? Don’t all women?

Said the guy with the handsome cartoon avatar.

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NEWSFLASH: Disney movies have unimaginative character designs with problematic gender politics!

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People who love animation as a medium also recognize how hard Disney worked to hamper and ghettoize the medium in the U.S., and is the main reason why animation tradition is so much more thematically and visually broad/rich in pretty much any other country with an animation history.

I love animation, animation history, and making animation, and as a result kind of hate Disney and their problematic, visually boring ‘art-like cultural product’ ™, and the violence they’ve done to animation as a medium.

You couldn’t find a bigger copy of this image?

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