Do you hate hamburger menus?

Shouldn’t there be way to get back to from


On a chopping board or a roof slate


In Boing Boing BBS on the desktop, it always comes across to me as:
Comment + Search “is equivalent to” My Avatar.


Betteridge’s Law strikes again!

I still can never keep it straight which one means “on” and which one means “off.” neither symbol relates to any damn thing. is there a mnemonic for this, anyone?

I was just thinking about this yesterday because my back up drive has nothing on one side of the switch and a dot:. (not an O) on the other side. is this supposed to make sense? what the hell’s wrong with a damned lightning bolt or a lightbulb or something?

after I figured it out, I just wrote “on” and “off” next to the switch with a sharpie. sharpie wins again!

there are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don’t.


ah, right; I should probably enroll in some computer classes so I can operate my power switches correctly.

I don’t see what the fuss is about. It really doesn’t bother me at all, and helps to unclutter the page.

But it WOULD be nice if Boing Boing fixed their layout problem. In Conkeror, which is built on the Mozilla engine, BB’s main page renders in one big column. It’s been like this for months. I don’t like the two column layout, but having it all in one big column, with the left little stories on top is even worse.

It has a kind of vapid 90s “click here for links” feel. If parts of your UI are so gross and unimportant that it makes sense to hide them behind a mysterious I Ching trigram, probably you should flense away those parts of the site altogether.

On a mobile site where it’s literally the only UI chrome, it’s more justifiable-- it conserves pixels, and the gnomic icon is less of a problem since users have no choice but to find out what it does. But it’s still not a substitute for thinking carefully about user experience.

1= true, 0=false. Very simple

Consult this book for more details.

A regular circular holepunch worked fine too.

I hate icons being used instead of text.

I understand that that particular icon is supposed to represent entries in a Table of Contents.

It boggles me that anybody would ever refer to it as a “hamburger”, because that is a really poor description for three identicallly-sized bars.

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With a tiny galvanised bucket of ‘real chips’ that taste like reconstituted wallpaper paste.

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The worst one I’ve seen was a galvanised coal shovel, though I have heard tell of a dustpan. A dustpan.


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This was my introduction to floppy disks

Before then I had seen 5 1/4" disks, but they were only to be handled by my teacher even though I was the kid who they asked for help whenever they didn’t know what to do.

Yeah! I remember these! Amstrad were definitely more amst than rad.

If not a bucket, then a Jenga tower. And half of them are sweet potato. And they’re all over done.

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I wonder how many people on BB were that kid. I know I was.

In which language? As the article points out, languages like German tend to have much longer words than English, which becomes a problem on a mobile layout.

Having said that, where possible I try to include the word “Menu” alongside the hamburger icon.

Ja, echt?