Do you have a Black friend? Watch how white people say yes, but then can't remember the "friend's" name

Not really.

Also, you’re kinda missing the point; which is NOT one’s ability to recall the names of one’s childhood friends. In fact, time frame never even came into the discussion, until you brought it up.

The actual point is that if such people truly had a diverse pool of friends, they’d be able to name at least a few who don’t look like anything them.

Like @knoxblox already said:


Shhesh. Where to start.

Embarrassing others isn’t the point here. It’s instead that “good” white liberals aren’t as good in this sense as they’d like others to think, and as they themselves like to think. It’s also that supposedly having black friends is a common white liberal badge of self-display and self-approval.

The bit makes those points well, and whether anyone gets “defensive” or not is also beside the point.


What did he say? I stopped listening at Antiracist™


Sure, cause covering over racism and keeping the reality that Black Americans face on a daily basis because white people have an utter fucking melt down over the slightest discomfort has always been the most effective way to make change… why I remember when Dr. King, SCLC, and SNCC quietly took aside southern Democrats and politely asked them for their civil and human rights, because segregation sucked, and those white democrats who ran the party all immediately complied! Gosh, it was all so nice and polite, and not a single Black person has faced one single ounce of discrimination since! I mean, I sure as shit didn’t grow up in my small N. GA town with signs of segregation well into the 1990s… There most certainly wasn’t Black and white parts of town, and only a token amount of integration at my public school. And I did not see the KKK actively recruiting into the 1990s, either! /s


I don’t recall the civil rights movement being driven by contempt-driven clickbait either.

While I’m fairly certain that when people have looked into what actually makes people re-evaluate their thoughts and change their minds in discussions about racism is having a less confrontational conversation about them where they’re given a calm opportunity to think and empathize with people.

Here’s to being given a calm opportunity to think and empathize with their oppressors. :man_shrugging:






That’s not even possible.


  • Is Hard WORK.
  • Comes From Within.
  • Is a Constant ‘DIY’ Process

*change for the better = self improvement.


Listen. If people need to be convinced to treat their fellow humans with dignity and respect… maybe they are just garbage humans… Maybe we need to treat them with the fucking contempt they deserve if they need to be told to treat other people with dignity and respect. A fucking child can grasp these concepts of treating other humans with dignity and respect.

I’m, frankly, sick of tip-toeing around the fragile fucking feelings of white people when lightly fucking mocked for have pretentions to being more “woke” then they are. If I do or say something that offends someone who has lived as an oppressed minority, I hope that they tell me when I’m not holding up my end of the bargain of treating others with basic dignity, but instead, treating them like props to signal my virtue. I welcome being told when I can do better, so that I can actually do better…

It’s not rocket surgery or some deep fucking philosophical conundrum.


That’s it. It’s the whole fucking thing.


Reba Mcentire Reaction GIF by CBS


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