Do you rebel in small ways?

I go 5 m.p.h. over the speed limit most of the time (except on residential streets–I’m not that much of an asshole). Sometimes 10 m.p.h. over if I’m on the freeway.


I insist on pronouncing “aunt” as “ahhhnt”. Never “ant”. I tell people it’s the remnant of my Boston accent, but I have family still in Boston and they all say “ant.”


How is that rebellion if you’re just saying the word properly?

Ants are for stepping on.

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you answered the wrong question. this belongs in the thread Do you massmurder in small ways?


Which makes you truly a rebel. A New Hope, one might say.

(And also kind suggests the first three were boring, had too much work done, and ended up looking kinda stiff and plastic-y)


Hell yes. The !bangs make it wondrous to use. DDG for the win.

Oh, and anytime I send something through the mail, the stamp I affix is always, always, upside down or near to it. Seems to freak a lot of people out.

Back in the day, I glued a plastic 12 oz Gatorade bottle to the top of my then-vehicle, a land yacht-ish Lincoln, just over the rear passenger’s seat. Left maybe 1/5 of the bright orange liquid in it. Made everyone, especially the gate guards at the military base, nuts. People would chase me down on the highway–on the highway–to tell me about the bottle I’d left up there.

When the gate guards were dickish, I’d let them walk around to grab it off the top of the car, and then bask in their boggled-ness, “DID YOU GLUE THIS DOWN??!?”

Why yes, Piggles. Yes I did.


I need to try that with an open laptop.


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