Donald Trump blames embarrassing video of himself on AI

Lord Dampnut, an impotent, drooling, codger of a shambling pantloaf…
The impotent, drooling codger, Lord Dampnut, is a shambling pantloaf…
The shambling pantloaf, Lord Dampnut, is also an impotent, drooling codger…
Kinda hard to make that fit on a tee shirt…

The term “pantloaf” is also interesting.
It leaves a lot to the imagination… I think it refers to the steaming turd residing in Lord Dampnut’s Depends,
So, a “Shambling Pantloaf” would be that pantloaf being ferried about from place to place by its former owner.


The part of that video that I love the most, is when he takes a second to put his shades on.



I am absolutely thieving that for tomorrow, when we play “full-contact cribbage” at the pub on a Wednesday. It’s no-holds-barred stuff, folks, WWE got nothing on us sweary buggers.


So Trump is saying that these videos, which are basically just him during his presidency, are faked? Is he claiming his entire presidency was faked? At this point I wouldn’t put it past him.

I was waiting for the time when real videos of politicians would be dismissed as “AI”, but I didn’t expect it to happen this quickly, involving old, confirmed videos that have floated around without challenge and everyone had already seen, and being dismissed in a way that was so obviously disingenuous. But with Trump, as always, his proclamations don’t have to withstand the slightest bit of scrutiny, they just have to allow his fervent followers an excuse to ignore reality, so of course he’d go there.


Its deep learning… this is happening real time.

… he gets two more terms because he’s never been President before :crazy_face:


merkin von bankrupt.

There’s nothing better.


From Harpo Speaks! by Harpo Marx

ALICE MILLER (to Alexander Woollcott, on settling up a loss at cards): You sir, are the lowest form of life, a cribbage pimp.

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A monster for our “Interesting Times”~


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