Donald Trump thinks he can call Bill Gates to "close up" the internet

Not the first president to propose this:

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Simple, just pull the plug out from this thing:


Gotta love these engrish labels :smiley:

But really, that one works quite well!

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Some technical disagreements notwithstanding, both were loyal and close to Hitler to the very end and should have been hanged. Instead they got to publish fraudulent, whitewashing memoirs that adorn German conservativesā€™ bookshelves until today, claiming the holocaust and all the other crimes were done by Hitler alone and maybe a handful of SS. The Allies did nobody a favour with letting that scum live.

Segue back to Trumpā€¦ uhā€¦ speaking of war crimes, I wish our government would get the last US nukes out of our country before the US elections, because if that mentally disturbed figure wins, I donā€™t want to be near that shit.

I donā€™t think #3 works, because by being as outright fascist as heā€™s been, heā€™s successfully pulled the already far-right tenor of the republican race even further right, and now you have his competitors either jumping on the same bandwagon or praising him with faint damns.


What, you mean it would have had less cats, and large breasted women. Bless you Al !

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This is clearly ridiculous. What we actually need is to get the CEO of FedEx to help us track all those extremists on the internet.
(What is it with the Republican candidates and their childishly ridiculous plans to appeal to random corporate authorities to solve some problem?)


Time again without apology for my favourite exchange from a fine play/film:

[quote]William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!
Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
William Roper: Yes, Iā€™d cut down every law in England to do that!
Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Manā€™s laws, not Godā€™s! And if you cut them down, and youā€™re just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, Iā€™d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safetyā€™s sake![/quote]


Every day, I think Donald Trump canā€™t possibly get any stupider.

Then I remember his whole entire head is a giant circus peanut, and the world makes sense again.


Christopher Hitchens references that very text when arguing in favor of striking down hate speech laws in Canada. The entire recording is wonderful, but skip to 7:50 in the timeline to hear the part:


Google is the Internet anyway. Heā€™s asking the wrong guy.
Just tell Google to remove it from the Internet and job done. I think thatā€™s how it works.

Only terrorists use Bing.

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Better yet, let the US Post Office track them.
Then we would get an Email Tuesday afternoon, saying there is going to be a terrorist attack on Monday,

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This is brilliant, relevant:

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With all due disrespect, I donā€™t think heā€™s actually that crazy dumb. He certainly knows pretty well that Bill Gates isnā€™t the overlord of the Internet. Itā€™s just the only person that comes to his mind in terms of Computer Stuff Expert. He probably believes Bill has the knowledge to teach him how to build a China version of the internet for the whole world.

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The dudeā€™s 69 years old. Most things that come out of his mouth lead me to believe his ability to keep up with technological change ended sometime in the early 1980ā€™s. The likelihood that he has even the first clue how the internet actually works is pretty low. Heā€™s the kind of guy who would buy a <a href=ā€œ"target=ā€_blankl">Vertu.


You know the Beeb is doing a Luther Xmas special?



Seems legit. Just go to the main Internet server in Greenwich and pull the plug.

You forgot one of the important players - the entire population of the world who use the internet. Billions of people, hundreds of thousands or millions of small, medium, and large companies, freelancers, etc.

If all humans were to be exterminated and only the husks of megacorporations were left, youā€™d still find that at least 80% of them still rely upon the internet, the communications capabilities that it provides, open-source software, etc. to a significant degree.

Remember that 70-95% of the internet servers, almost every single supercomputer in the world, and most mobile devices run on open-source software developed over an open internet by hackers for whom that open internet is rather important.


Not in context. They donā€™t have the clout to lobby governments. In fact, most of the worldā€™s Internet users do not live in the US and so effectively have no input into Internet technology at all.