Donald Trump will re-legalize importing endangered elephants' ivory and severed heads

They would probably all fit in the dining room of Mar al Lago for a $50,000 a plate fundraiser.


And here’s what it would look like:


Obama did sign the directive making it illegal to bring home game from Zimbabwe and Zambia

The more Trump does, the more I am convinced that his sole focus in office is to undo everything President Obama did. Reason? Obama really got under his skin at the 2016 White House Correspondents Dinner:

It was a work of art!


It totally would be, except that in the same sentence, I mentioned the coup.

Robert Mugabe since 1987 and is currently in the midst of a coup d’etat.


Maybe he’s as convinced as the rest of us that he won’t make it a full 4 years.

Gad. If only.

I’ve said this very thing here on one or two other BB threads before, and am totally convinced it was his raison d’etre for running.

Bold prediction: Trump will one day boast – proudly boast – that he has undone the entire Obama presidency (whether it’s true or not).

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I would have been ok with it, if it were limited to imports from Nambia.

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Maybe he should start with the expansions of warrantless wiretapping, or the attacks on whistleblowers.

Something tells me those aren’t too high on Trump’s to-(un)do list.

Maybe he’ll spin it as “those were started by Bush and were so obviously good that even Obama had to carry them on”

Import new African ivory and elephant parts, good. Allow people to sell antiques containing ivory, not so easy.

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