Donald Trump's MAGA army calls for violence over the internet: "War"

I roughly see your parallel, but maybe we should start worrying about that when the press, White House, Congress, members of the military and more take a few more steps down that path, hmm?

There’s currently almost NOTHING like a widespread calling out of rightwing terrorists as what they are–terrorists.


I guess we’ve got to come up with some short-hand for “stochastic terror group.” (Or is there already one?) Donald Trump’s MAGA stochastic terror group gets a bit wordy, even if it is accurate. Although I suppose it’s also redundant - “Donald Trump’s MAGAts” already covers his stochastic terrorists.

Yeah, these people aren’t going to “invade Washington” (with or without bloodbath). They’re going to attack their neighbors for having Biden bumper stickers and rainbow flags… which they’re already doing.

Also just the connotations of the word “army” shapes thinking - it implies a nation state and the entity by which it “legitimately” inflicts violence. Neither Trump nor MAGA are a nation state, they don’t represent one, and nothing they’re doing is legitimate.

Right - the problem is they’re being called (incorrectly) an “army” when they’re (correctly) terrorists.


Well I also dislike the characterization of the January 6th coup attempt as the “attack on the Capitol.” It was democracy that they were attempting to dismantle, not the building.


Looks like we may have to build more prisons soon.

Or just let nonviolent offenders out.


Including Trump? But yes, we use incarceration far too heavily for offenders that didn’t use violence or the threat of violence. The felonies that Trump has been convicted of thus far are non-violent ones. Of course the actual numbers involved here aren’t even a rounding error in our current carcerial state.

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It’s a metonymy. People say things “the White House did such-and-such” all the time and everybody understands they don’t mean the building itself.


True, but I still think that “attempted coup” is a more accurate description.


Those aren’t at all in contradiction though. As part of a coup you generally have to attack something.


Is he in for weed?

I thought his drug of choice was nasally inhaled adderall?

But sure, let’s look at him after we review everyone else.


“The Attack on the Capitol” refers to a specific milestone event that was part of a much larger (and ongoing) effort to dismantle democracy.

When people refer to “the Storming of the Bastille” it is generally understood that the phrase isn’t meant to imply the French revolutionaries’ gripe was against a specific building.


The Bastille was a prison, a symbol of opression.

What is the Capitol a symbol of?





Lots of ways to ruin innocent lives that don’t involve direct acts of violence. Is a person who throws a punch in a bar brawl really causing more harm to society than someone who commits financial crimes that send countless families into poverty?


Not sure if your question is rhetorical, but for the MAGAt insurrectionists, it’s a symbol of “the corrupt federal government that Tromp has been trying so heroically to destroy, so he can build up a better one.”


I’m sure that a majority of these voices talking tough are bots/foreign actors simply trying to encourage the weaker minded cultists to action.


Statistically, no. Poverty is associated with high mortality.

Novel Estimates of Mortality Associated With Poverty in the US | Health Disparities | JAMA Internal Medicine | JAMA Network.

In 2019, current poverty was also associated with greater mortality than many far more visible causes—10 times as many deaths as homicide, 4.7 times as many deaths as firearms, 3.9 times as many deaths as suicide, and 2.6 times as many deaths as drug overdose


they do realize that the jury panel had to be approved by Trump’s lawyers too, right? i mean, that must make it legitimate on SOME level, right? unless his lawyers were in on the “rigging” too, which means Trump himself is a terrible decision maker…


There have already been conspiracy theories circulating that Alina Habba was planted by the Deep State to destroy Trump. I’m sure similar theories for this case will circulate soon if they aren’t already. :face_exhaling:


Making logical connections is not exactly their forte.


I suppose expecting them to be locked up for merely threatening violence is too much to ask, but these fuckers need to be on every watch list there is. And if they’re caught committing or planning violence, toss them in prison and throw away the key. They have no place in society and we shouldn’t wait until they have the upper hand before taking their threats seriously.