The media actually discussing how crazy the stuff Trump says is

Originally published at: The media actually discussing how crazy the stuff Trump says is - Boing Boing


These people have incredibly thick reality distortion fields.

It’s probably because so many in 45’s cult have fallen so deeply into conspiracy rabbit holes that they insist on assigning a hell of a lot more meaning to 45’s words than is merited. :woman_facepalming:


The Pod Save America folks were making a strong case that, in all seriousness, Trump doesn’t actually know what “asylum seekers” are and has confused them with patients from mental asylums in his brain. He’s made many, many references to other countries “emptying their mental institutions” and if you listen to the way he talks about it, yes, he really could be that stupid.


I’m glad to see more journalists pointing out the corporate media’s complicity in the rise of Il Douche and MAGA. I doubt that it will change the minds of Joe Kahn and his ilk, but one way or another the enablers of fascism will be in for a reckoning.


It’s just too bad that FN, Newsmax and their ilk aren’t discussing it.


Anyone who describes Lecter this way 100% has not seen the movie.

Flies are drawn to poop but I bet none of them could explain why.


“I don’t think…”
The only true statement to come from a MAGA cult member I’ve ever heard.


I run into someone at least once a day that rattles off a list of grievances they have with Harris. And I struggle to look them up because they are so out there that even google and duckduckgo don’t know about them.

I wouldn’t care normally, except that I figure if they are passionate enough to attack my innocuous post with a well prepared diatribe of absolute garbage. Then they almost certainly have gone to the minimal effort to register to vote.

Back during Trump’s presidency, I used to believe that maybe only 30% of American adults were die hards MAGA and the rest just kind of went along because they were historically Republican or they were not satisfied with the candidate the Democrats had to offer.

Sadly, I now believe that more people than ever believe that Democrats are basically Marxists trying to commit a “coup” against their own party. Or equally bizarre nonsense. I imagine if some of these right wingers met some of my friends who are actual card carrying communists, or the ones who are active volunteers in democratic socialists of america, they’d probably feint from shock. It’s not hard to go farther left than Harris. And it is trivially easy to be more anti-corporate than Bernie or “the squad”.

We have a mainstream national party of democratic centrists, of various stripes and flavors. But constant undefended propaganda has painted them as Reds, like we’re still in the cold war.

We need Democrats to strongly respond to wrong and weird accusations of the right. Leave no doubt in anyone’s mind how we feel about unhinged rants, false accusations, and lies. And then go on the attack and don’t let the far right set the tone and pace of the discussion.

(sorry for the long post - I guess I had a lot in me today)



It’s about time because he has been making inane statements for awhile. Rambles on about getting electrocuted or eaten by a shark. Glitches out and starts making up gibberish. He’s a fucking old clown.


IRL too. It’s easier for me where I am. My mom is terrified of her own neighbors and she is what until 20 years ago would have been considered a moderate conservative woman with a servant’s heart but she has been politically Democratic since Nixon.

Some of her good Christian friends sincerely seem to be showing signs of dementia/cognitive decline or some kind of psychosis often made worse by their various secret addictions and complicated marital politics. Their grotesque values and rage get projected at her regularly and her silence is registered as complicity. But the reality is where she lives they ARE in power and the more sane Christians ARE NOT IN POWER. It couldn’t be simpler than that really. Politicians and church leaders alike often seem to consider social positions as more of a shibboleth. It’s gross. They are obsessed with the stupidest online bullshit and ready to launch nukes to end it. Pathetic really.

We need to stop enabling this. All of us everywhere basically, as hard as it sounds, need to stand up to this derangement.

IMO these people don’t have a psychological “mirror” to see themselves realistically for whatever reason and so society has to clear it up for them:

The media, the normies, the functional weirdos… like anyone sincerely living in this country and hoping to continue to do so.


What’s really struck me about this “top 10” list of bizarre statements is that it’s “recent” in the sense of just the last few weeks, and heavily weighted towards the last few days, and even then, Trump has said some pretty crazy shit that’s not on the list. And you could put together a similar list that’s much, much longer and still only covers the last few weeks. You want to cover the last 9 years? It’d be a hell of a long book.

It always seemed a very clear part of Trump’s appeal is that he isn’t coherent, that he often had contradictory and vague policy (I remember an interview early in his initial campaign, where he advocated for a flat tax and then a progressive tax in literally the next sentence, presumably because he didn’t know what a “flat tax” was), and his supporters could just imagine his positions to be whatever they wanted. But there’s also, post-qanon, obviously a big element of conspiratorial thinking involved by his supporters as well - things have secret messages, and any sort of simple, even gibberish, utterances by Trump can be turned into complex communications of great meaning.

I’m coming around to that idea because I struggle to figure out any other way in which Trump’s Lecter comments have any context. He’s done it multiple times, always relative to discussions of immigration, and there’s never any sort of bridge that connects the two ideas to make sense of it. I think at the very least there’s some unconscious connection between “insane asylum” and “asylum seeker” that causes the leap to make sense in his own head, as he’s trying to imply immigrants are cannibals.

It’s interesting how everyone has a clear sense of “what Trump means” but none of the interpretations are the same, and none of them make any sense in the context of the movie and/or reality.

@GagHalfrunt That almost feels overly charitable to the NYTimes - too often, it’s like Trump farts on stage, and the press try to interpret it as actual sentences full of meaning and then discuss that instead of the farts. I say it’s “like” that, but really it’s exactly that, only the meaningless noises are coming from his mouth, not the other end.


Good News Yes GIF by Bounce

They finally decided to do their fucking job.


Trump: [farts intentionally and obnoxiously loud onstage]

NYT: Trump spoke to the economic anxiety felt by millions of Americans and presented a vision of economic renewal, offering hope to rustbelt communities that have seen factories shuttered and jobs moved overseas.


He’s talking about Hannibal Lecter because he doesn’t know what the word asylum means.


And yet I can’t help but be pissed off, because it’s way too fucking little, especially given how ridiculously late in coming it is. Hopefully it’ll get through to undecided voters, though…


What do you mean ‘that cloud looks like a rabbit’? I think it looks like Ernest Borgnine in a sundress. That guy over there said it’s just a cloud and doesn’t look like anything: what a weirdo.


What do you mean “looks like a rabbit” - that is a rabbit! A giant, flying, fluffy rabbit. Clearly.
(Meanwhile, Trump, pointing at some bushes: “Cloud!”)


It’s not like even Fox hasn’t known for quite a while.