Don't buy the $1.99 tape measure at Harbor Freight

East of Guilder and North of Floren.


Harbor Freight doesn’t have the same implications of direct culpability; it’s more of just a symptom; but it’s branding practices always remind me of the subdivision developers’ “cut down the trees; name the streets after them” or the US Army’s “Pacify a tribe; name an attack helicopter after it” conventions.

If there’s a former locus of American heavy industry that got outsourced into the rust belt; Harbor Freight probably has a line of Chinese tools named after it.


I think this thread deserves mention here:


In fairness, that’s for a human-machine interface.

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Agreed. I get clamps there. And they’re also a great source for small, strong magnets for all kinds of projects. When I was all into making hidden compartments, I loved their disc-shaped magnets. Just get the right size drill bit to set it into a frame or trim piece and, voila, pull off cover.


I’m pleased that somebody recognized the origin of this absurd device.

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So they got the dimensions right, except time? Three out of four isn’t bad.

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