Door Game - Badass Space Dragon

1 - Ship: The TARD-iss
2 - Attribute: Super klunky, but full of booze, so, like barely lucky only by nature of the patronage aboard.
3 - Captain: Underpants
4 - Captain Type: Human, with bionic parts, if ya know what I mean.
5 - Bribe: “Free drinks for the GM, on the house.”

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  1. Name of captain: Morel Lönnrot

  2. Fast ship, you’ve never heard of “Nordstjärnan”?

  3. Nordstjärnan

  4. Android constructed in the circular ruins.

  5. Hrm, I seem to be missing 150 Starbucks from my account, if only I could remember what I purchased. Damn faulty memory circuits.

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  1. What’s the name of your ship? Heart of Gold
  2. Primary attribute, Mindbogglingly lucky. Also, white leather couches
  3. name of the captain. I’m Marvin, I think you ought to know I’m feeling very depressed.
  4. Sirius Cybernetics Corporation android with GPP
  5. Since I can see the universe on less than 30 Altarian dollars a day, I may as well give the rest to you. Here’s $580.
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What’s the name of your ship? Swordfish

Choose one of the following attributes to describe your ship - Lucky

What’s the name of the captain on this hunk of junk? Spike Spiegel

Is the captain human, android, or space lizard? Human

Bribe: I’ll take my chances.

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  1. Cobra II
  2. Durable
  3. Commander Jameson
  4. Human, all too human
  5. £1.80 - That’s a double Espresso in Starbucks :slight_smile:
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What’s the name of your ship?

  1. Hoosier Mama

  2. Lucky

  3. Cap’n Ninedollar

  4. Space Lizard

  5. $99.99

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  1. Ship: Aluminum Mallard
  2. Attribute: Lucky
  3. Captain: Roger Wilco
  4. Captain type: Human/janitor
  5. Bribe: 200 buckazoids
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  1. Ship: The Nitimeistheritime
  2. Attribute: Sneaky
  3. Captain: Dr. Esstimpress
  4. Type: Human. Totally evolved. Male pattern baldness with rakish good looks.
  5. Bribe: 137
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A Mark II? Unusual choice…

  1. Name: Zhe Shadow Pacifist
  2. Attribute: Fast
  3. Captain: Damianus Iulianus
  4. Type: Android
  5. Bribe: $42
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And yet perfectly respectable. Its DNA goes all the way back to the feared Mustang II King Cobra.

Many a pursuing Officer of the Law has been forced to masticate his Shield of Credential in abject shame after being outgunned, outmaneuvered, outraced, and thoroughly outgroovied by a privateer piloting a vehicle of the Cobra II line.

  1. Name: Bongo Fury
  2. Attribute: Lucky
  3. Captain: Beefheart
  4. Type: Space Lizard
  5. Bribe: 50 cents and 99 problems

1 Ship Name – Jewel of the Desert
2 Attribute ---- So fast only a positronic brain can control its computer, much less fly manually
3 Captain ------ Adélie
4 Type ----------- Android
5 Bribe ----------- Illogical

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Ship: Quisquiliae sStruem
Attribute: Lucky
Captain: CaptainPedge (obviously…)
Captain type: Space Lizard
Bribe: $500

Will the game run in THIS thread, or will there be like a daily thread?

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Proud Heritage — but in keep mind the genetic weakness of this storied bloodline:

  1. Door hinges notoriously prone to fail in the most embarrassing ways
  2. Under sized brakes that wear down fast. (OF COURSE all the design effort went into the engine)
  3. Rust.

Will the game run in THIS thread?

Each weekday I’ll post the results and mission information into a new thread.

 1. Ship: 		Ironclad Cochrane
 2. Attribute: 		Powerful 
 3. Captain:		Paul Seldon
 4. Type: 		Human
 5. Bribe: 		$164.71

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Ship: Cepheus Maiden
Attribute: Sneaky
Captain:Thrummel Carfax
Type: Android
Bribe: $50

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I made a Rules & Gameplay post. I don’t consider it required reading but it might give you an idea of what’s to come.

I’ll be locking this thread and closing registrations at about 8pm (PST). Last chance to register your vessel.

Good luck!

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  1. Ship Name: Pillar of Autumn
  2. Chosen Attribute to describe Ship: Sneaky
  3. Hunk of junk’s Captain’s name: Saurodroid
  4. The Captain is: Android, as produced by the ‘space lizards’
  5. You are offered $50 of your Starbucks as a bribe.

Thank you.

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