Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/12/18/dotsies-a-dot-based-font-for.html
So, visual Braille?
Really, why can’t we just go back to pictographs?
There would be no indication if any set of words or text is upside-down or not.
It’s only streamlined by omitting useful information, like taking all the handles off of coffee mugs.
Did you ever have that dream where you’re trying to read a book, but the letters don’t make any sense?
Weird. I’m working on a statistics for those of us tired of normal distributions.
Reading the BBS for Tzump is like a return to those blessed days before everything went to shit, by the way.
Oh, brother. Millions of parents with near-terminal eyestrain are going to track down the inventor and hang him/her by their genitalia, if kids pick it up =x.
Let’s use the Shavian Alphabet!
Visual Braille? So, kinda like Braille?
If only there was another one made up of just dots and dashes.
Yeah, but I’m a butterfly so it’s kinda to be expected.
Do sighted people use Braille? Braille is tactile, not visual. Pretty much by design.
Peter Draws has his own alphabet
End part of video
Every group of kids has codes like that in grade school.
It’s amazing how they managed to do even worse than Morse or Braille: those both spent some consideration about which letters were most important/frequent, and assigned the simplest signs to those (Morse better than Braille). This is just one designer’s wet dream, without any thought about readability, which is a quite well researched topic.
That’s the problem with engineers and developers skipping the PR side of things.
“Product X! If you don’t understand it you’re stupid”
“It’s easier than you think. There are only 26 letters.”
What, no Umlaute?
Hard pass.
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