Ladies! We heard your concerns about the distinct lack of pockets in dresses and skirts, so we decided to almost double the amount of pockets in jeans!
Fuck you, Ladies!
Ladies! We heard your concerns about the distinct lack of pockets in dresses and skirts, so we decided to almost double the amount of pockets in jeans!
Fuck you, Ladies!
i doubt any of those pockets could hold a quarter dollar
Like if someone tries to pants you and then SURPRISE MUTHAFUCKER!
Those are social change pockets.
Not enough for bus fare. Perfect misogyny in action.
I tried that same thing in 9th grade for halloween and got teased mercilessly. NOW WHO’S LAUGHING, SCOTT!?!?!?!11!!1
It’s like how Clark Kent wears his Superman costume under his civilian clothes at all times in case he’s called into action, but in Steve Bannon’s case his horrible secret identity is exactly the same as his horrible regular identity.
Wadda you mean ‘future’
Sold out. What a bummer.
Well, that’s ok, I’ll save my money for when they start selling triple jeans.
My first thought also.
Sorry, I’m a pervert.
Exactly! My first thought was, “aw girl, no!”
“Not any dumber than acid washed.”
edit: I see LordInsidious was five hours ahead of me with this.
This is on par with that attempt to make wearing your jeans backwards trendy, which fortunately never really became a ‘thing’.
Five hours in and no one has mentioned JNCO?
ETA: this is supposed to be a link to “Bad Idea Jeans” (a parody commercial with Phil Hartman and Kevin Nealon et al from SNL)
The stupid fashion gauntlet has been thrown down and the escalation will reward us with triple and quadruple jeans.
I know what’s in the model’s handbag. A brick… so she can bash away at the inevitable crowd of gawkers who’ll make fun of her jeans.
[Whispers] I was talking about those young millennial whipper snappers.