Originally published at: Douglas Coupland's slogan billboards in Vancouver | Boing Boing
Rich guy rents billboards to post platitudes. Yay.
I know right? Not his best work.
Douglas Copeland: Live. Laugh. Love.
Would he risk renting a billboard that said McJobs?
I wish he’d found an alternative to Pattison. Guy’s name is everywhere… he owns Marilyn Monroe’s dress.
All sorts of bougie.
How does Coupland kickstart the burgeoning art scene and mural festival?
He didn’t rent them - it was a Canada council partnership with the owner of the billboards. I’d rather read these platitudes than pretty much any ad I see on the billboards near me.
Canada Council money went to displaying the work of a rich writer? That’s actually far, far worse.
Why not curate an exhibition of emerging artists on those billboards – the money would go in part to paying artists’ fees.
pretty sure douglas coupland isn’t “rich” – he seems like he had a period of success, changed gears from writing to visual art, and while maybe not struggling, he has to hustle to live. he definitely isn’t living a life of leisure.
My social circles overlap with him a little. If he isn’t rich then our understandings of wealth have changed.
He isn’t Bezos rich, but he could do nothing for the last half of his life and he’d be just fine. That puts him comfortably in the 1%.
huh. well, if he is that wealthy, he sure doesn’t flaunt it. i dunno.
These billboards are part of my regular running route. And I’ve been curious about them for a while. I snapped a photo of this one that really annoys me:
Sure, I can complain about lockdowns, COVID restrictions, etc, but I have a stable job, a good family, and a bed to sleep in at night. He’s begging me to ignore my privilege and pretend that the relatively little friction I encounter day to day is just as bad as what everyone else experiences.
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