Dramatic footage shows a passengerplane falling from the sky, crashing in Brazil (video)

Originally published at: Dramatic footage shows a passengerplane falling from the sky, crashing in Brazil (video) - Boing Boing


Terrible stuff. The whole São Paulo area is pretty densely populated so there were likely many casualties on the ground in addition to the passengers and crew.

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I’m guessing it’s this accident?


Not a pilot or anything, but this looks like a classic stall causing an unrecoverable spin. I’m sure we’ll learn more once the Brazilian equivalent of the FAA does an investigation.


Current reports say that no one on the ground was hurt, although one house was destroyed. Everyone on the plane was killed.

The plane may be in a flat spin, which is challenging (and for some types of aircraft, impossible) to recover from. Some reports say that it may have fallen from 17,000 feet, which doesn’t really bear thinking about.


Did not watch. Wondering what respectable motive there is for posting this.


Definitely not a wonderful thing


Everyone has their own tolerance level, but imho it’s not like it’s a snuff film or something. The plane is spinning as it rapidly descends, disappears from view behind trees, and then 10s later a cloud of black smoke is seen rising above the trees. In terms of actual visuals it’s not a lot, but trying to put yourself into the mind of the pilots or the passengers for those few seconds isn’t a very pleasant thought experiment…

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Yeah, the pilot stalled it for some reason.
Both engines seem to be running & the aircraft appears to be intact.
This article gives an overview of stalls & spins in aircraft, and there is a video of spin recovery.

FTA: Some kinds of stalls can be more challenging to recover from, such as a deep stall where a T-tail renders the elevators ineffective…

This aircratt was a T-tail.

Not a pilot, but took flying lessons in a previous lifetime. Stalls & spins were part of the training.


Blancolirio (usually very cautious) suspects icing played a role, see his analysis here:

of course, just a hypothesis at the moment.

Warning: the plane spin is shown several times from many angles.


History is sometimes tragic. We posted about newfound footage of the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York as well.

Feel free to not watch either of course.

Thanks, I won’t. It really isn’t necessary to watch the “dramatic footage” to know that 62 people died and to feel sorrow for them and their families and loved ones.

Fortunately, according to the press, no one on the ground was hit. The plane crashed into the garden of a house. Unfortunately, they are publishing the stories of those who were on the plane, which is very sad.

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