Driver ticketed for giving money to cop disguised as panhandler

In the US, they wouldn’t have to resort to trickery. I used to work in a upper-class beach town where the cops would put big signs out on the main road “SEAT BELT CHECK AHEAD - 500 FEET”

500 feet down the road they’d have 10 cars pulled over. Because despite the warnings, no one put their seat belts on.


Sue? Fraud is a crime. Why is this so-called police officer still at large?


The cop’s main reason for being there was to look for people using their phone, I presume.

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And when spotted, he calls the squad car on its cell.


No, the cop doesn’t have to return the money. It’s called “civil forfeiture” which is legal speak for “we’re takin ur stuff fuk u”

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I don’t think civil forfeiture has anything to do with it. The driver handed the cop $3 voluntarily (and at significant personal expense, it turns out!), I don’t think he necessarily has any legal right to get the money back (though it’s just rude not to return it), and the cop doesn’t need to invoke civil forfeiture to avoid returning it (though I’m not a lawyer).

On the other hand: did the cop trouser the $3, or did he enter it into evidence or otherwise turn it over to the department? While as a citizen he’s not obligated to return money someone hands him, as a cop he’s probably subject to regulations that prohibit accepting a gratuity from the public. It might be entertaining to make trouble for him on such grounds, if you were for example holding a $185-sized grudge against him.

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That’s pretty much the definition of entrapment.


Even better. Now the master plan is revealed. Discourage homelessness by discouraging folk from following their basic need to help others. Wins all round.


Or unless you are a cop jumping out of your car to yell in a motorcyclists face about how a to to get you off your cell phone and moving into the empty roundabout is “road rage”.


Its a fundraiser, a shakedown…any other group of people doing shit like that would be the one’s rightly being arrested. Same entitlement mindset as the DEA and other government sanctioned thieves, they’re entitled to do whatever they damn well please and they’ve got permission to do so.


let’s just say I hope he doesn’t get run over.

In Canada?

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…you never know when nothing might come out of nowhere and do nothing at all to you.


The cops were looking for 1) people gawking at their fucking smart phones, 2) going through red lights (because bumper was in intersection already), 3) going through red lights (because going too fast to stop and need to get to place), 4) not wearing their seatbelts (yeah, that’s a thing), 5) not having kids properly seated or restrained in the car, 6) pulling a u-y at a controlled intersection, and 7) looking for people gawking at their fucking smart phones (because you’re fucking deadhead losers sucked into the vortex of blankety-blank self-serving oblivion causing death and misery and no question a sign of the apocalypse), and all the other stupid things that happen at intersections.

I think they should be commended for hiding in plain sight. Very clever. Probably nailed a bunch of other violations THAT AREN’T BEING MENTIONED IN MILDLY HYPERBOLIC ARTICLE. The begger thing is a real dick move though. Maybe if the driver wasn’t such an empathetic, caring “oh, I’m sorry” CANADIAN he wouldn’t have gotten a ticket…in which case this is a perfect example of the cost of living up to being a Canadian. I’d pay the ticket and wear it proudly.

Dear Regina traffic court judge: this guy was boned, give break for sake of Canada, for world, for idea of being a decent human being.


I can verify that the RCMP were doing this exact same thing here in Nelson, BC Canada. Fake homeless guy who actually was a cop. cop cars down the road handing out seatbelt tickets.

policing for profit is a horrible repulsive unacceptable thing regardless of which country it is in and should be made universally illegal. having a profit motive is a direct conflict of interest, pulbic safety should be the only motive for policing, PERIOD.


If you ask a panhandler if he’s a copy must he answer honestly?


Good point. Sounds like a case of fraud.

Clever policing but they should step it up a notch and have cops fake robbing stores to flush out illegal firearms!

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