Drunk driving drama caught on bodycam — woman crashes car and resists arrest

Originally published at: Drunk driving drama caught on bodycam — woman crashes car and resists arrest | Boing Boing


She sounds like pure class


That youtube channel seems pretty sleazy and exploitative. In the About it says “Our channel is dedicated to providing the public with informative and educational content.” Clearly not what it is.


The officer tells her to stop talking on the phone, but she ignores him. He grabs the woman’s arm and tells her she’s under arrest. She resists and haughtily protests, telling the officer not to touch her. He wrestles her to the ground…

I’m glad to see that the LEO chose not to escalate the situation… :roll_eyes:


So another episode of COPS?

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I don’t think the officer was kidding her, though she asked about 7 times!

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I won’t bother retyping my recent comment about the ridiculousness of “get on the floor”, as the cop said in this video.

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… it sounds like she was getting arrested regardless — it was just a matter of when exactly the cop got tired of talking about it first :stopwatch:


Forget your Chanel bag, lady. You could have DIED. :roll_eyes:


That bullshit “thin blue line flag” sticker in the cop car rankles.


Did anyone notice she said she was on her way back to her job? And she was in her pajamas. Then she said she was driving her boss’s car and was taking food back to “them” at their home. And she’s in her pajamas. And she works for a law firm. I hate to make assumptions about what was actually going on, but…that seems awfully unlikely. Also, if she works for a law firm, she really should know to just shut the fuck up.


She does admit in the video that she’s working as a personal assistant, formerly nanny.

I still wouldn’t be going out to the store or anywhere in my pajamas, though. :man_shrugging:

Yeaaaaahh… Right?

I won’t watch this video, same reason I didn’t watch that nasty show. I can’t think of a good reason to gawk at the sad plight of people less fortunate than me.


“The award-winning zine, blog and directory of mostly wonderful things.”

Not really an accurate description of late. Maybe that About Us page needs some updating.


Ah. I didn’t watch the entire video. That doesn’t really make it sound any better. Oh well, at least no one was physically injured. I feel bad for the trees, though.

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… it looks like the video is from Los Angeles — the cop cars are mostly blurred but they literally say “protect and serve” on the side — which is a place where people tend to wear whatever :thinking:

It’s not important, but I’m pretty sure this is Palm Beach, Florida.


I would say that the woman was lucky to be alive and without apparent injury, with that amount of damage to the car, she should have been getting medical attention rather than being handcuffed and bundled into the back of a police car.

“Turn around, put your hands behind your back. You’re under arrest.”

“No I’m not.”

They gave ger to Fire and Rescue who transported her to the hospital’s emergency care ward for further examination.

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