Drunk Men's Choir produces royalty-free music for content creators, with a catch

Originally published at: Drunk Men's Choir produces royalty-free music for content creators, with a catch - Boing Boing


Well it must be performative drunkenness because anyone who drinks alcoholic beverages knows no one is getting drunk on bud light, unless they shotgunned a dozen each moments before the video.


[DougDoug is] doing this by covering popular songs while as drunk as possible, so the end result is thus unintelligible- and undetectable.

Awesome plan. “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” might present a little wrinkle though. Not the least of which would be remaining standing throughout the entire song. Good luck there. :grin:


Is that what they’re singing? I always thought it was “In a Canada Villa, honey…”

I pronounce it “vill-a” If Spanish was one of the official languages, sure. We do have “VIA” rail. It could be a train song. :slight_smile:


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