DUMPkin Spice Wet Wipes will make your butt smell like a Pumpkin Spice Latte, if that's a thing you want

Originally published at: DUMPkin Spice Wet Wipes will make your butt smell like a Pumpkin Spice Latte, if that's a thing you want | Boing Boing

Thanks for taking one for the team, I guess?

… ooh a new reason to set a topic to Muted

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But(t) why?

Who thought, “Yeah, I want my butt to smell like cloves and nutmeg. I want to associate pumpkin pie with defecating.” Also synthetic cloves and nutmeg?!


Well, since it is impossible to eat or drink anything pumpkin-spiced… some sort of usecase at last?

I like pumpkin pie spice. I don’t know if I need my bum to smell like it, but I imagine at least some of the scent is for when you open the pack in the bathroom.

That said, the last time my ejector pump broke was… unpleasant, so I’ll stick with the bidet. But perhaps I could some kind of pumpkin spice scented candle…

From @thomdunn’s link about ‘flushability (emphasis mine)’:

They conducted a series of tests to determine whether any of these products would actually fall apart or disperse safely through the sewer system and found that not a single flushable wipe product passed the tests.

So best avoided unless you want blocked sewers.


This is the kind of marketing that makes even non-fans appreciate the game.


I think they can double as wake up alarm.

Marge: Careful of the pie on the seat.

Grandpa: Uh-oh.

Marge: Grandpa, are you sitting on the pie?

Grandpa: I sure hope so.


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File under: no kink shaming??

Also (get on soap box) get a bidet addition. I got the Tushy model, and I haven’t yet hooked up the hot water for it, but I really don’t need it, so I may not.

OMG, I as living like a cave man before.

Get one.

I don’t think you’re using your ejector pump for its intended purpose. :slight_smile:

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