Dune fandom praised

We can only dream of Jodorowsky’s version.


I mean, how else are we supposed to be snobbish, superior assholes to other people on account of the things we like/don’t like without a completely arbitrary standard whose parameters are so ill-defined as to be essentially set by the individual?


I somehow feel the no true Scotsman applies here somehow…

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Yeah; the continuing schism --if deep and wide – should have shrunk years ago, as in “time heals all wounds”. Any schism there might have to do with expectations based on having read (and being really into the book) and the expectations of the merely curious, sci-fi dilettantes.

I ENVY you! (Overall, I do enjoy watching it, though, and the first 15 minutes or so were great. )

Lynch was certainly afraid. The fictional “Smithee” was not. :slight_smile:


Are you sure it wasn’t Chevy Chase?


… I have that book. (at least, the one that was based off the movie. I’m not certain if it was a book prior to that.) the book was… mediocre, much like the movie.

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Actually Rome rarely had emperors who inherited the position or died of old age outside of the initial Julio-Claudian Dynasty. Most tended to murder, bribe or buy their way into the position.

Both Richard III and Kim Jong Un found creative ways around primogeniture.

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I won’t tell you who the traitor is, or when we’ll attack. However, the Duke will die before these eyes and he’ll know — he’ll know! — that it is I, Mayor Robert Ford, who encompasses his doom!

[Maniacal Laughter]
[Oil Shower]
[Catamite Heart Plug Yanking]

(Apparently I have a lot of LynchDune rattling around in my head…like, all of the LynchDune…I had the Toto soundtrack, on vinyl. I could play the end title song using a Kurzweil piano patch that sounded exactly like the one Steve Luthaker used. Also, I remember mixing up cinnamon with a bit of flour and water and cooking it on tinfoil on a lightbulb into little wafers…I think I might have been trying to fold space with it. Whaddya want, I was 13, it was a weird time.)



It could’ve been so much more bonkers! I really want to get my hands on the storyboard book they showed in the movie…somebody, somewhere, has a copy. Printing a repro edition up is a ready made crowdfunding project.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure that movie was an attempt to cash in on the popularity of the real pooch. The spirituality of Oh, God! + the charm of Benji. Or maybe Heaven Can Wait in dog form, with Benji.

I guess I know more of the early empire, but Richard illustrates my point, clear lines of succession is good for peace and stability by discouraging contested succession. England didn’t have a real war over legal succession again after Richard for 2 centuries till William & Mary, and that wasn’t much of a war though the Jacobites dragged it on for decades. The Civil War does not count as legal succession.

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Epiphany: Maybe the pugs are terriers that have been ingesting Melange?

I wish I had the 'shoop skills for this.


Many years ago, I was at a party where someone decided to put Dune on the TV in the background. As everyone was milling around and chatting and saying lines back to the TV and laughing about the weirder parts, the Baron scene came on and some guy on the couch said “You know, I always get a boner when he pulls out the guy’s heart plug. Right? Anyone else?”

No, but that’s one way to change the mood of a room really quickly at a party!


Shh, that doesn’t go well with the repression narrative.


My impression was that the intended arc of the entire series was to build up Paul as a perfect destined ubermensch, then reveal him to be just as petty and uncertain and corruptible as anyone else. You don’t really get that from the first book alone, though.

Edit: Frank Herbert apparently said “The bottom line of the Dune trilogy is: beware of heroes. Much better rely on your own judgment, and your own mistakes.”


There are 6 books in the series.
There is one character that is in all of them.
Who is it and you earn your Crysknife

I haven’t read them but I will guess… Duncan Idaho?


Dude, he was millions, right?

There may also be a third group, those that read and enjoyed the book that also see the value of the Lynch movie because they understand that the book simply wouldn’t translate to a single movie format well.