Dune the Movie (80's)

Billy, you ever been in a Turkish prison?


OK so I read Dune. Amazing.

Dune 2 I read. I think it drove me slightly mad. Maybe it’s meant to. He had sadness in his life, old Mr Herbert.

Dune 3 drove me crazy too. I’ve put it aside. Reading @doctorow’s For The Win. Good.

But does Dune drive people nuts? Not “annoyed”; but actually “my mind is freaking out”?

I’m down with all sorts of pan dimensional imaginings. But Dune 2 - it seemed to work on me. Maybe my job was also working on me (it was) - and since I use reading as an escape pod from those stresses; maybe I entered some kind of Dune-ish twilight zone.

In any case - what a good writer he was.


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