Dying dad, lifelong conservative, votes for Biden out of respect for his six daughters

Ah - you’re playing what if games.

No thanks. That would seriously impact my life adversely.

You’re probably just fine, though. So keep playing if it makes you feel better.

Also - the U.K. Labor Party is treating trans people much worse than Biden is.


My nesting partner’s segment of the family is fairly conservative, but more in the old “mind your own business” kind of way and not the bigoted garbage people way so common now. Her late father wasn’t a bad man, but he was kind of blind to the realities of the GOP world and would have been for Trump based on absolutely nothing except that (R) after the name. I’ve heard every single one of the adults say flat out that they’re glad he isn’t around for this administration, as they’d probably have had to smother him to death in his sleep by now. (Or words to that effect, at least!)


YW. this past weekend Matthew McConaughey was on Real Time talking about his new book Greenlights. He said when asked about the meaning by Maher, “I’ve been blessed with many green lights in my life, but when looking back even some of the red and yellow ones presented opportunities for green lights. Sometimes we recognize that the next day, the next week, sometimes its not until our death bed…but the green lights are always there in some form” (less a quote and more paraphrasing)

My dad and I had not seen eye to eye with on many things for a long time; in no small part due to him not willing to listen or acknowledge my views or opinions. I was still a kid to him despite being in my 40’s having 3 kids, a successful career, and a long marriage that I worked through some rough times to keep it together and successful (certainly not alone). He finally started to see the kid was an adult and that perhaps he was just screaming at the sky because “change”. I would hold out some hope that just as we as their kids are able to see our mistakes and change…they can too. And your father while perhaps lured by that path…may have put more faith in his child and the love and respect therein over that of the cult. :slight_smile:


My lifelong conservative aunt in Georgia not only is likely voting for Biden but denies having voted for Trump in 2016. (This is a lie but I feel like it’s best not to call her on it - she claims she voted for Jeb! in the general.)



My conservative parents, too. And they voted for Hillary the last time. Trumpism has driven them from the Republican party.


Yeah, pretty much this.

NO, wait! We really do appreciate it! After decades of us telling you how much bullshit pain you’re causing for my family, showing you proof of said bullshit, and how you are ignoring the lasting effects of said bullshit.

I’ll tell you what: donate a signifgant portion of your estate to the NRDC, SPLC, or some other organization that needs the funds to rectify your destruction. Voting for the obvious shoe-in for prez doesn’t count and helping your brood doesn’t even begin to account for the damage most “lifelong conservatives” have caused.

I hope you go peacefully and painlessly. You have my thoughts and prayers. Do they help?

EDIT: spelling


And here’s the analysis to show that:

Source:Republicans closely resemble autocratic parties in Hungary and Turkey – study | Republicans | The Guardian

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The R’s seem to lack empathy. It doesn’t matter until it hits home for them personally. Fuck gay rights until my kid comes out, then I’ll start fighting for it instead of all the previous, loathsome anti-lgbtq legislation I put out.
They also say stupid shit like “As a son, brother, husband…” instead of simply, “As a human…” when it comes to issues concerning women.


Biden is pretty palatable for old-fashioned conservatives. Unlike the Lumpenbourgeoisie that have taken over the GOP in the last few decades, making their most lumpen lumpkin their mascot-king.

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100%. I make my living partly as a public figure representing women in a technical field, and practically every day I get mail along the lines of, “I have a daughter so now I suddenly care about all this equality stuff!”. Great, thanks, I guess. It’s some twisted abstract form of defending their property.




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