Ebola outbreak in Congo has spread to city of one million people

Damn it Madagascar

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It’s untested. No one knows how effective it is. It may be 100%, 95%, 50%, or 0% effective; we don’t know because the science isn’t done yet.

Sometimes these things haven’t been passed on as well as they could have been, which has led to vaccines testing out to negative effectiveness because the additional risk accepted by the people who have the vaccine outstrips the ability of the vaccine to protect the user.

And let’s be honest here… It isn’t like companies from other parts of the world have never exploited people in less educated, poorer areas of the world in ethically questionable ways…

Seriouosly: Before this outbreak, did you know there was a city of 1 million people called Mbandaka?

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And this is only spring; the mosquitos have only just begun their yearly march upon humanity.

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