Originally published at: Eerie ghostly figure strolls across path of dog walkers (video) | Boing Boing
Clearly caused by a bokeh smearing an image of venus being difracted by swampgas.
I sometimes think ghost tales can be caused by strange localized natural phenomena, like if an old exhaust vent in a building is rattling and nobody can track down where “that creepy sound” is coming from.
I’d still kind like to know what caused the intense “poltergeist” like activity in my house a couple of years ago. It was so bad for a couple of weeks I had the fire department come and check my carbon monoxide detectors and I was scanning https://earthquaketrack.com/ for seismic activity. The dog still won’t eat with his back turned to the bookshelf.
when they spotted a strange ghostly figure materialize and cross their paths
dour-ol-skeptic blathers: if they had edited it to skip the “materialize”-ation then they might’ve engendered some nice cryptozoology, but as it is one has to wonder how long Hannah and Dave Rowett of Nottinghamshire, England have been saving up their dryer lint and combed out dog’s fur.
There’s your problem, never take your drugs for a walk.
Hey, my cane toad likes to stretch his legs!
Hannah and Dave Rowett were walking their drugs through Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire, England . . . "
I think the article is just making a point that anyone with a pet is engaged in the sort of life altering behavior that one might connect with more traditionally recognized recreational drug use. How ones life is altered is of course down to the variety and volume of pet ownership.
Some people, with a long term Khat habit, can exhibit very strange behaviour.
It looks like Gollum’s Ring slipped off for a moment.
Needs more @pesco before the libel case kicks off (though I guess he could claim ‘Freudian slip’ as a defence).
ˆˆˆWell there’s your problem. One should never walk drugs through Clumber Park, moreso than most parks.ˆˆˆ
It’s better than driving their drugs.
Oh, that’s just Kevin.
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