Election 2019 - Whither Canada?

If this is confirmed, a lot more than just some random Guelph staffer needs to go to jail.

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So far, the Liberals aren’t doing too badly in Atlantic Canada. Down from 2015, but that’s to be expected. I think they needed 22 seats to be okay, and they’re leading/elected in 24. (Some of those are tight and might swing, of course.)

170 is the magic majority number. I’d be happy with enough of a minority to keep the Liberals honest, but not enough that they have to beg votes from the Bloc.

Central Canada (Ontario and Quebec) coming up soon.

10:13 EDT. CBC just called a Liberal government. Minority/majority not decided yet.

10:24 EDT. CBC called a Liberal minority. Now let’s see where it falls.





He’s out and Jody Wilson-Raybould is in. Sometimes things do go right.


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