Heard of the quiverfulls? Some of the worst domestic abuse you can imagine. The bottom of the barrel is so much deeper and lower than people think. People don’t have to find women to do this, they just have to raise them to fertility.
Yeah, a few people’s willingness to give up their autonomy or choice doesn’t make taking away the choices of others any better.
Speaking of IVF embryos… I went through IVF. Three seemingly viable embryos were created. One was implanted near straight away and the other two frozen. The one implanted stopped growing about week 6ish and died around week 9ish. I had a D&C at a private hospital (in Australia) at no extra cost to me. The second embryo was viable and is now my 4 year old daughter. When my husband and I decided together we wouldn’t have the third implanted we elected for it to be destroyed. We had a choice of 4 things I think. We could donate it to another couple, allow them to us it for research at a different facility - which could be up to 2 years later, allow it to die and be shipped to us or allow them to practice techniques at the same facility knowing it would be done within 2 weeks. We chose the later. I cried when I got the letter saying it was done but for us it was the best choice.
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