Originally published at: Elmo forced to undergo the Bene Gesserit Gom Jabbar | Boing Boing
Elmo will not fear. Elmo thinks fear is mind killer…
Just the hand? Wimp.
Sick. As am I, for laughing at this.
Is this really who the Galaxy needs as its next Padishah Emperor? A puppet ruler?
I look forward to the series, starring Count Von Count as Thufir Hawat and Sweetums as Ducan Idaho.
I didn’t know the article title was a spoiler until I saw the video (“isn’t it the pain box?”)
I find it hard to argue that anything about Dune is a spoiler, the book is nearly 60 years old now and the original film adaptation was nearly 40 years ago. It’s firmly planted in geek culture common knowledge territory by now. About the furthest I’d go is saying that certain specifics about how the latest adaptation plays out could be considered spoilable. But not stuff like the Gom Jabbar, Sandworms, Spice. etc…
of course. I was just referring to the fact that elmo gets the gom jabbar (the poison) instead of passing the pain box test.
Ahh, now I see what you were getting at. I’m not sure Elmo deserved it, we didn’t see him removing his hand.
I’m looking forward to Sesame Street doing a real, for-kids Dune parody. (I nominate Grover to be Duncan Idaho, although they would probably parody the character names themselves too.)
I still chuckle at the “hungry games” parody where Peeta is an actual pita.
Although a muppets Dune would be good too…
“'Rocko doesn’t have hands Zoe with a blanket on your head. Rocko’s a rock!”. “Why you have blanket on head Zoe”?
Odd. Usually it’s Ms Piggy that brings the pain.
Oh he had it coming.