Elon Musk gets roasted by Meta's AI expert: "your personality is trash!"

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/28/elon-musk-gets-roasted-by-metas-ai-expert-your-personality-is-trash.html


ai deserves it. It’s just like lone skum:

involves the consumption of vast amounts of resources

worshipped by people who don’t know how any of this works

its results are garbage

nowhere near as useful as expected

can’t be universally applied as its cheerleaders claim

expensive AF with very little return


I misread the title as meaning that Musk got dragged by Meta’s “AI” expert (system). I thought, “well, of course, even an AI will recognize what a shitbag Elno is - all it takes is a little pattern matching to come to that conclusion.” Doubly unsurprised that a human being can figure it out.


He’s certainly not wrong; but it’s hard to cheer too loudly when someone who turns his actual talent to advancing Zuckerberg’s interests plays call-out-the-terrible-person-boss.

If anything; at least Musk’s people have done some good work in spite of their boss; while it’s hard to identify anything likeable under the ‘meta’ umbrella; barring some OCP specs.


Well, Meta have a blog where they discuss math and graph databases without making you do walled garden bits much. Ah…do the AIs all concur on the translation yet?

This is like a bass-ackwards version of that Gandhi quote about Christ and Christians.

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I like his cars, his rockets, his solar panels, and his satellite network.

I hate his cybertrucks, his exploding test launches, and his attempt to steal the night sky and cause a Kessler Syndrome cascade. I guess I don’t know much about his solar panels.


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