Elon Musk says he's willing to buy Twitter again

He’s still on the hook for the $1 Billion if that happens.


He’s on the hook for $40B if it goes through.


I’d be happy if he has to cough up the full amount - even better if the resulting backlash bankrupts twitter and he’s left with nothing.

But, even if it’s “only” $1 Billion - it’ll still be the most expensive shit-post ever.


Re: He’s on the hook for $40B if it goes through.

Twitter just approved it.


“Will you take Dogecoin?”


Buy it again?

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Not overwhelmingly surprising, given who it is, but it’s pretty nervy to just offer to actually obey the conditions you originally agreed to after months of increasingly high-profile bullshit as though that’s some sort of magnanimous and reasonable move on your part; rather than an attempt to avoid facing whatever your lawyers have warned you about in court, then being forced to take the deal.


Care to point out some of them?


I’m sure an online query would bring up a comprehensive list but the one that comes to my mind is Mastodon


Well, shit. Though I suppose, even if he is serious (which seems unlikely), odds are good he’ll fuck it up somehow and it won’t actually happen.

Not if he actually buys it, I suspect. It’ll turn into “Truth Social jr.” and that’ll be the end of it.

Unfortunately, my understanding is that if they win the lawsuit, it amounts to Musk paying a penalty and buying Twitter at the agreed price. Elon hurts more, but Twitter as a platform is still fucked.

Gods, I wish I wasn’t - I don’t actually use the damn thing, except as a way to keep track of what various artists and writers etc. are doing. If Twitter actually gets bought by Musk, I suspect they won’t all end up in the same place and probably quite a few will just stop with any kind of social media entirely.


I tend to feel this way, except that under Musk’s ownership I imagine it more likely to be used as a tool for incitement (moreso than heretofore).


Under Musk’s leadership, I give Twitter a year until it folds. A toxic environment for both employees and users is not great for business.


Tesla’s here a decade later, and spacex is going strong. Nah, twitter won’t fold. It’ll be a horrible place to work, though , but there will always be Muskytechbros who worship the man willing to erase decades from their life for him.


It’s a different industry, one where things like user experience matter. It’s also on shakier financial ground.

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I know people who work at TWTR , and let me assure you, they’re user experience people have already lost the battle to the ad people. It’s Elon’s kind of company, one where he can peddle bullshit and sell customer data to whomever for as long as he wants.


The very best alternative - Disengage from twitter and don’t go anywhere else. Twitter (and other successful ad companies, er, I mean, social networks) are awful and you are better off without them in your life


Oh shit, LOL - his condition for “agreeing to buy Twitter” is that they have to drop the legal action. Sure, he’ll agree to do the thing he already agreed to do, and which he’s in court to force him to do, if only you don’t force him to do the thing he’s already broken his promise to do (and would, if they dropped the legal action, have no reason to do).
Sounds legit!


“Willing to buy” as if he really had any say in the matter. As much as I hate him buying Twitter and probably running it into the ground, at least he gets to suffer as a result.


Watch him screw this up even more now


Does anyone else think these tech billionaires are all getting wrapped up in some sort of drug? I know steroids were popular for a bot giving us buff Bezos but looking at Zucc and Musk I don’t think thats whats going on here.

Microdosing? My neighbor apparently microdoses shrooms every morning and he’s a lot more normal.

Speed? Maybe, but Musk is looking like a fat dumpster.

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