Eron Gjoni, unrepentant jerk

It’s an interview. How do you bias an interview exactly? “Gotcha-journalism” a la Sarah Palin?

This is the dude that started gamergate, though he didn’t name it as such. And he wrote his blog post as a character assassination piece about his ex-girlfriend.

If gamergate is about the unfair treatment of people in the media (hint: it’s not) then why is this guy not being denounced by every gamergater out there?

If you have honestly-held issues with the idea of corruption in the games publishing industry, I’d strongly advise you to put down the gamergate tag and work on it a different way. That one is lost to assholes, and no one will take you seriously as long as try to defend it.


Yes, the article IS biased. Biased against his very abusive behaviour that went far, far beyond sadness or having a bruised heart from a relationship that ended badly.

Like many abusers, he is quick to claim he is the “real victim” in this situation. Meanwhile his ex receives a flood of misogynist vitriol, rape and death threats and a smear of her professional accomplishments from complete strangers. Mmm-hmmm, he was the victim of her emotional abuse…


You want to worry about gaming journalism standards (Hardly the biggest issue in the world to start with)?

Worry about Doritogate:

Worry about Jeff Gerstmann getting fired over a negative review:

Worry about the state of independent games journalism:

(It’s funny reading Stuart Campbell’s twitter feed on this, generally).

Not this bullshit, which has jack shit to do with gaming journalism.


I was willing to consider the possibility that both people were responsible for the break-up in that relationship, but based on this new evidence, I’m convinced the fault is a lot more one-sided. Does he realize that he’s now lost all credibility as the injured party of the couple?


Right. Death threat is = to calling someone an unrepentant jerk in a blog piece. Both still just being an asshole.

Nope, that kind of reasoning still doesn’t make any sense, after all these years. See if you can come up with something new to denounce rational coverage of a topic with, that’ll at least keep us on our toes.


I think if you read a few articles covering Gamergate, you’ll find that one of the biggest problems with it is that NO ONE CAN AGREE EXACTLY WHAT IT IS ABOUT. ‘Unfair treatment of people in the media’ is actually not one I had heard attributed to it. Journalistic ethics? Yes. Misogyny and harassment? Yes. ‘Unfair treatment’ is not one I’ve heard anyone really rally around. But the fact is that there is no single cohesive gamergate movement, which is a large part of the problem.

Gjoni has admitted to advising people of 4chan into how to create this situation, especially after Quinn posted chat logs of him doing it. AFAIK, many of his claims have been specifically disproven, something I wonder why the article doesn’t address or question him about.


I see a lot of people throwing around the “he blatantly lied about everything in his post”, but the only thing I’m aware of him specifically lying about (though he says it was a “typo” is that his ex slept with a gaming journalist before the journalist reviewed her game, when it turns out that she didn’t sleep with him until after he reviewed her game. I’m not aware of any of his other claims being disproven, could you provide some context?

Actually, it turned out that he didn’t review her game at all.


I very much agree with your assessment. I don’t see any more moral character portrayed from the Gjoni haters.

If there were more rational discussion we could get down to the point that should be discussed instead of trying to out flame each other.

Gjoni isn’t the first burned lover to go off on his partner, but his activity and topic poked a dark part of society that popped like an abscess. If anyone cares to heal the wound then we’re going to have to stop ranting and start relating.

As a gamer who doesn’t get off on in-game female objectification I don’t fit the typical mode of those individuals who are the most rabid when it comes to this topic. Many, and I mean a great amount, of guys are just like that dude in the Matrix (the movie) who created that woman in the red dress that Neo takes notice of. They have a connection and relationship to those characters that is deep and emotional. These dudes would be just as inflammatory if the games they played suddenly went “hard core” and their favorite female main died. They “love” their toons. Deeply. If you’ve never played an RPG and ran a female character you don’t know what I mean.

Beyond that connection there is also a very dark theme that runs through games that is very much like BDSM culture. It is dark and thrills the kill (PvP, etc.). Non gamers don’t understand the thrill and what it means to grief others.

If you’re just going to deal with the feministic/misogynistic issues you’re missing the deeper issues here.


“Bias” is one of those words (other examples being “sheeple” and “kool-aid”) that inevitably get trotted out when someone is suffering the effects of cognitive dissonance. The core issue is not bias, though – the core issue is that your strongly-held beliefs are simply wrong, and you can’t reconcile that with the reality around you.

I realize that you can’t (or won’t) understand this today. Perhaps in a few years, or maybe a decade, it will make more sense.


People are adolescents until they turn 33: fact!

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People Hobbits are adolescents until they turn 33: fact!


This guys is a moron. I mean holy shit, how did he ever get work? He is a terrible writer.


I noticed that, too. It’s terrible. How was he ever employed?

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Oh that’s nice. YET ANOTHER man doesn’t want to hear about the harassment of women anymore because it annoys him. Isn’t that great! You sound like a swell guy full of empathy.

Jesus, will people stop dismissing this crap? What gets me is that you dismiss this crap as if it’s no big deal but make sure to make it known how much you despise death and bomb threats. YOU CANNOT SEPARATE THESE THINGS


This comment is incredibly fucking creepy and I wonder if you even realize that.


He can probably find a job at a brogramming startup in San Francisco that has no female employees.

I’m more wondering how his dating life is going to go. If there’s any sanity in the world he will never get laid again.

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I’ve personally been in a relationship that was emotionally abusive, thank you very much. I don’t know if he intended for this whole thing to become so big, but emotional abuse is emotional abuse. They are both victims. Yes, she is “more” a victim, but is it really fair to compare? At this point, I’m sure they’re both getting death threats. “Real victim,” I don’t know. But either position sucks.

Look, I’m not your problem. I’m not the one making death threats. I just see the world in a different way than you do. Instead of telling me to go away and come back with a better argument, I’d actually rather you teach me about how I’m wrong. I’m open to other viewpoints, I promise.

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Personally, that’s one I came up with myself just based on what I’ve seen. You’re precisely correct, there’s no one movement. And that’s why there are people sending death threats instead of doing something productive. The extreme of either side bothers me.

And yeah, if I found myself in the position of “I have the power to disadvantage someone who emotionally abused me” then I’d do it. (Judging? Don’t think you’re any better, loyal reader. :confused: ) I don’t think those claims are false, at least to his knowledge. I think he just did his best to “get everything ‘out there,’” whatever he could find. There’s a lot that hasn’t been disproven and has strong evidence, so I’m inclined to believe him.

(oh, so you’re supposed to batch replies… ok, I’m getting the hang of this now)
@zieroh: Please don’t condescend. You can easily glance at my profile picture and say “yep, 16-year-old white boy, he’s one of them” but as much as I am pushing my view I only push because I want to hear the other side. I realize that not all the people “of my kind” (that sounds so interestingly racist, hmm) want discourse, but I’m all for it.
But you haven’t told me how I’m wrong. You don’t know my beliefs aside from “believes there is bias and shit happening that shouldn’t be.” I just called everyone equally an asshole. Enlighten me, don’t tell me to leave. Otherwise you are as much a problem as you think I am.

I am for this “Gate” thing just so much as it shows how corrupt this part of the media is. No death threats, no fiery articles; no anti- or pro-feminism. Let’s fix the games press and get back to playing games.

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