Eron Gjoni, unrepentant jerk

I’m 20 and I think he seems rather emotionally stunted. Definitely one of those people who could fit under the description “14-year-olds of all ages”.


Save your outrage for someone who deserves it.

I may have posted this before, but I asked someone who has never heard of gamergate and who really can’t get their head around the idea that people are threatening each other about video games whether someone who posts the details of the sex life of their ex- online was being an asshole. I put in a few details of the story, but really very little. The response was, “Well, he’s certainly a sore loser.” (I used gender neutral terms, but apparently it was obviously Gjoni was a man because the idea of publicly shaming an ex is a seemingly uniquely male thought).


Have you read the screed? Or do you just read political opinion pieces to tell you what to think? It’s awful writing by a fucked in the head guy. Has every statement been disproven? No.

Zoe Quinn fucked five guys in seven months while telling him how honest she was. Three while she was in a relationship with him. One was her married boss. I don’t think any of the mainstream anti-gamer gate publications want to mention these facts from this screed nor take them on. They certainly haven’t disproven them.

DId he want to get her in trouble at the end. Yep and he wasn’t too honest with himself about that.

Should he have shown it to a therapist. Probably. He showed it to the internet and others who have felt like the toys of overly socialized women made some poor connections. Were there people out there totally pissed at her before this for the things her breed of activism wrecked? Yep. Has she wrecked more than she has created in dollar terms? Yep

Is any of this ever brought up in anti-gamergate debunking? No backstory is never brought up because it’s a political drum circle at this point. It all started with this jilted guy and he is a whiny bitch who should shut up after he has been fucked over. Sure that’s what happened.

I’d call him and his ilk assholes, but that would just elevate them. Their souls are as ugly as the worst visuals you can imagine.


He didn’t review her game. Jesus, this kind of shit takes seconds to look up. What next, you’re going to point to the article that RockPaperShotgun didn’t ever publish (that was popular for a while), or a headline on Gamasutra that misses the point of the article contained within?

And you hobby press ethics crusaders wonder why no one fucking takes you seriously.


I was kind of following you until about halfway through, when you not only took a left turn at Albuquerque, you departed for orbit. I am a gamer. I run both male and female toons. When any of my characters die, I’m not a happy camper. Griefing sucks when you are on the receiving end, to put the most happy-fluffy-bunny spin on it possible, and I could make an entire post about that. How being a part of gamer culture automatically means misogyny is understandable in the greater context I don’t even.

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I’m trying to wrap my head around why you think any of that could possibly matter. Is it that you think “journalistic ethics” requires journalists to be perfectly ethical in every aspect of their lives? Or are you just making the point that Somebody Was Wrong on the Internet when he said that “every substantial element of the screed was proven wrong”? If it’s the latter, that seems like a long way to go to make what seems like a pretty pedantic point.


Well, one of them certainly is. I haven’t heard any claims (before now) that the other one is, though.

Okay. Calling everyone “equally an asshole” in this situation is what’s called false equivalence. It’s a little like saying a murderer and the guy who cut you off in traffic are “equally” assholes. (Before you object that nobody’s been murdered here, I concede that I exaggerate for effect.) They may both be assholes, but they aren’t equally so, and even saying that they’re both assholes just demonstrates that “asshole” encompasses a pretty broad range of behavior, some of which is incredibly awful and some of which isn’t that bad at all.

What, exactly, do you think is so biased or unfair about the article?


The extreme of one side is making death threats, the other side is calling him out for being an unrepentant jerk. There is no equivalence to be found here.

Hurting someone because you have the power to do it is the definition of asshole. Feeling justified, or announcing that you’d do it again is the unrepentant part.

A few points on the allegedly corrupt journalism:

1- The review that apparently happened - never happened, not written, not published.

2- Her sex life is so very much not your business.

3- The notion that her sex life has had an effect on ethics in journalism is at the root of one of the biggest problems here. That somehow her sexuality is owned by any of the people who have heard of her and that she owes any of those people an explanation is deeply, massively offensive.

To you directly: She may or may not have treated him badly, in their relationship, it’s really immaterial to this article. Her behavior and sexuality were in a private context and none of your business (at all - ever).

The fact that he made himself a public spectacle and used her to do so is the context here.


[quote=“daneel, post:32, topic:43206”]
People Hobbits Filthy Little Hobitses are adolescents until they turn 33: fact!


Most definitely. That’s why I avoid that culture. You seem to not really know the people who get off on this stuff, who would make comments like “the deadliest school shooting in American history”. I guess that I’m different than most people, because I don’t go looking for it, but it finds me. So I have to move and locate somewhere else, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

(You should check out why NSA plays WoW to locate terrorists. The type of person drawn to PvP griefing are suck into a culture of hurting others.)

Again I try to avoid it at all possible costs, but it’s there, and if you get close to it (like Anita Sarkeesian does) it will rear its ugly head.


I get your point. You’re voicing the view of good people everywhere that live in their cocoon. I don’t want you to leave that, because the terror of the evil that pervades MMORPG’s is very bad stuff. But it’s there. Just like sex trafficking: I hope this never happens to anyone you know, but I’m glad their are heroes that do their part to help those placed in that situation.

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There are lots of techies who are terrible writers. Go read Slashdot, or really just about anywhere else.
When I started work at Bell Labs a few decades ago, one of the first things they did was make us all take a technical writing course, trying to teach us to write like journalists, not like either grad students or illiterates, with an audience of managers and other techies who need to know the important stuff quickly.

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I can see it now… the TV news piece starts out with George Bush’s sex history, and then moves on to Osama bin Laden’s. Then a few local politicians. Then others…

By the time it finally gets to the actual news about a new gift shop at the 9/11 memorial, anyone watching has either fallen asleep or passed out from all the vomiting.


Still creepy and I’m not even sure what your point is. I’ve been online a long time and I still have no fucking idea what you’re getting at.


You and your apathy deserve my outrage

Women who dare to speak out against the threats and harassment they receive for daring to speak out against blatant and recorded and easily googled displays of sexism and misogyny are getting actual, literal terrorist/bomb threats.

Which you even have to addendum into the comment I originally replied to, in an effort to make sure we don’t all think you’re too blasé about the whole thing.

I mean for fuck’s sake. You had to reassure us that you are against death threats BUT you are bored and annoyed with this whole subject of women getting death threats.


The backstory I’m talking about and that Humbabella asked about is not just the sexual history but Zoe’s activism regarding taking down the Maker Game Jam and destroying the fine young capitalists game jam. Destroying more stuff than she has ever created.

For the Maker Game Jam it was confused $400,000 production. She negotiated a better contract for the developers (good on her). Then there was an asshole reality TV producer. She decided his questions were sexist and instead of giving him and answer got all the developers to break that new better contract and walk. One one level it’s great but on another level it seems childish. Not answering the wrong questions. She say she would like to put together her own game jam show. Hint nothing comes of it. Destroy someone else’s $400,000 show - great. Then she went and spent the night at someone who wrote the most about it but that’s none of our business.

In the case of the fine Young capitalists they had put together a women’s developer challenge. Women would submit game development ideas, internet would vote on them, Ideas would be developed, charities would be paid and the women developers would get 8%. Zoe felt 8% was not much (good on her again) and was really worried that the fine young capitalists were discriminating against preop transexuals or anyone who just felt like a woman by requiring the entrants actually be women. Maybe they are pink washing gaming by trying to fund women developers. How does she settle this? By doxxing the people behind it. Getting everyone to ostracize them etc. Zoe would put together her own women’s developer challenge just give her the money. Hint: it has not happened yet.

She has a lot of friends but there are questions about honesty and perhaps producing more than you wreck. These other feminists in gaming are similar.

While there is a ton of hate in gamer gate and I certainly know what it looks like if the police ever find false threats planted by the victims what would that change for everyone?

They can produce some things themselves (if you fund them) but they would really rather tell you how to produce something. Why is your staffing level only 3% female? You need to higher one of us for outreach. Ahh the on the job harassment! Help help brogrammers! Death threats!

Gee, were you the abuser or the abused ?


This entire comment is really embarrassing.