Even NewsMax ringing Trump's death knell

Originally published at: Even NewsMax ringing Trump's death knell - Boing Boing


perpetually panicky Democrat here: getting anxious over all the declarations of “That’s it! he borked the ‘debate’! game over! we win!!” …still gotta overcome some electoral college $#|%! and then the subsequent ‘certification’ dirty tricks. constant vigilance and Get Out The @#$! Vote!!! ((he did bork the debate haHah))


Don’t believe the polls.

Check your voter status if you live in a red state ASAP.



While I hope and genuinely think that Harris is going to win in a relative landslide, and at the risk of getting Eeyore-gifed, I sure do remember how it felt after the Access Hollywood tapes came out and most decent people breathed a sigh of relief because of course he can’t win now.

For those who are looking for an outlet for that energy, phone banking is a great way to contribute and your local Democratic organization can almost certainly use a hand.


Where have you seen these declarations? I have only seen people praising her performance and saying the work goes on. Its one debate. Clinton kicked his ass in 3 and look where we wound up. I don’t think any one is confused, we’re waiting to see the vampire turn to dust. Its going badly for him, but the fucker never seems to go away.


two sources spring to barely caffeinated mind: the shiny new Lincoln Project “In Memoriam” and the always prodigious DailyKos comment peanut gallery (too various to link, yet here’s some) Folks are feeling rather cocky in general following the debate

and in snarky addendum there’s the wise young @asdadsas just down a bit [wink]


there is no relaxing until Harris is inaugurated without violent unrest. every damn vote matters here.


Yeah, but it’s eight years later and he is melting, both physically and mentally, before our eyes.

That said, everyone needs to vote. This election needs to be a landslide repudiation of the magaverse.


THIS ^^^^

Texas: Governor Abbott Announces Over 1 Million Ineligible Voters Removed From Voter Rolls

See Also:
the governor’s desk.

To Watch in 2024: Politically-backed Litigation to Force Voter Purges

In this new climate of the politicization of voter list maintenance, litigation has been increasingly used by some states to try to force voter purges. Activist groups and the Republican National Committee have filed lawsuits in Michigan, Nevada, and Maryland to force election officials to remove voters from the rolls. While in Georgia, True the Vote and other “election integrity” organizations have attempted to use existing laws to challenge the registrations of hundreds of thousands of voters. Activists are using similar techniques to try and initiate mass removals of voters in Michigan, Nevada, and other states. – (link)


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again - this is going to be an epic blowout in the popular vote - like 60% or more for Harris. Still don’t know how that will translate to EC votes - but that will be comfortable as well.


Well the Lincoln Project is a group of anti-Trump Republicans, and I will never trust them, so I don’t really care what they say.

I don’t think anyone is feeling cocky. Cocky about the debate, maybe. But not about the election. Nothing in that Daily Kos article suggests that the election is over. It’s just saying she won the debate. Because she did.


Yep. And a few days of joyous delight over Harris’s masteful trouncing of Tromp doesn’t mean Dems in general are now pumping the brakes. To the contrary, I think what’s happening is an increase in momentum.


Oh, well, there’s the problem then. I have heard these discussions long enough to know that the left should never express any joy or humor, lest they be doing it wrong™.


… what are the acceptable emotions again?

I can’t find my copy of the list :confused:


Fear, Uncertainly, and Doubt.


… the anguish and the self-righteousness are not mixing together smoothly in the bowl :thinking:


Hatred too.


Well, let me tell you, there is much joy in Mudville over the last couple days. If that’s wrong, I don’t want to be right! Every punch in the nose that asshole takes is another bit of joy in my life. Trouncing him in Nov will be the crowning cherry on top. This is not complacency, this is joyous, bloodthirsty rage, my friend.


Oh yeah, it’s not over until it’s over, which means the campaigns will continue, the talking heads will squawk, doors will continue to be knocked on. Election officials and lawyers will be knifing each other in court. There’s no getting around it, though–the debate was bad for Trump. He came over as angry, self-absorbed, delusional, unprepared. We all knew that, but it was on full display for all to see, unfiltered. But we all have to keep doing whatever we can until Harris gets sworn in.


It was a weird flex to call out immigrants for eating dogs while he was screwing the pooch right in front of us!