It’s a given. 695 episodes, so it has to be ranked 695th, at the very least.
Oh, it’s ranked fifth? If you say so…
It’s a given. 695 episodes, so it has to be ranked 695th, at the very least.
Oh, it’s ranked fifth? If you say so…
Look again, in the top ten, number 7: “By Inferno’s Light”, Deep Space Nine, Season 5
Absolutely, totally and completely wrong statement in every way, and is absolute troll bait. So why the hell am I feeding this troll???
Because I just watched the ending of 'The Inner Light" again, and got the same chills and tears in my eyes that SW only wishes it could produce from it’s audience. This one episode is so far beyond anything ever produced for the boob-toob, and I can’t think of any movie that ever gave me the same chills.
Totally masterful work on every level.
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