Existentialist text adventure game where you are a seagull

Originally published at: Existentialist text adventure game where you are a seagull | Boing Boing


Jonathan Livingston Seagull: The Game?


finding nemo seagulls GIF


“keep screaming”

“keep screaming”

“keep screaming”

Came to say ‘not Jonathan Livingstone’, then.

Currently down, saying “This project has received too many requests, please try again later.”
Obviously too many others have tried to create meaning in their lives by using it recently.

So I am unable to not play or not play the game.


I can’t really say I’ve ever heard gulls around here scream at all, compared to some of the feral Amazon parrots, or the ubiquitous crows when that damn Cooper’s hawk harasses the group. Or the raven pair that I’ve slowly managed to get to trust me–up to a point.

But gulls are sneak thieves for sure.

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