Expensive underground "sleeping pods" proposed to house San Franciscans

Yeah, but… where is “private” if you’re living in a fucking pod? Your pod IS your “private.”


Ah, I think you’ll find that residents are explicitly not living in fucking pods. It’s right there in the rules.
Fucking pods will be available to rent by the hour.


I’m not completely against the idea of small pod-like accomodation, if cheap, but looking at the concept art so much NOPE.

That looks like permanant hostel-class accomodation at studio flat pricing.


Male PA Announcer : The white pods are for living and sleeping only. There is no fucking in a red pod.


Count Zero by William Gibson:

Towel around his shoulders, dripping water, he followed the narrow hallway to his bedroom, a tiny, wedge-shaped space at the very back of the condo. His holoporn unit lit as he stepped in, half a dozen girls grinning, eyeing him with evident delight. They seemed to be standing beyond the walls of the room, in hazy vistas of powder-blue space, their white smiles and taut young bodies bright as neon. Two of them edged forward and began to touch themselves.

“Stop it,” he said.

The projection unit shut itself down at his command; the dreamgirls vanished. The thing had originally belonged to Ling Warren’s older brother; the girls’ hair and clothes were dated and vaguely ridiculous. You could talk with them and get them to do things with themselves and each other. Bobby remembered being thirteen and in love with Brandi, the one with the blue rubber pants. Now he valued the projections mainly for the illusion of space they could provide in the makeshift bedroom.



oh , wait ! living underground , not waiting underground ,
sorry , my bad !
. . . nevermind . . .
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My theory was always that the Borg could not have a Queen; she was “merely” an interface between the Borg Collective and Humanity. Humanity could not communicate directly with the hive mind without being assimilated; by the time they could interface the point would be moot. So they used her to simulate being an authorized leader who could speak on behalf of the “AI” collective while being autonomous and able to communicate directly with the humans.

She was what Locutus was to have become, had Picard not have been rescued. And she is why Locutus was no longer required. Having Locutus return was only validation to her.

To me the most interesting part about the Borg was that they were a clear analogue to the Federation; they both assimilated cultures; maintaining some elements of the culture while destroying the rest; spreading their way of life across the galaxy. Obviously the Borg were way darker; but they echoed the imperialistic nature of exploration which the Federation also had a problematic relationship with.

And on a completely unrelated note:

Is Laundry done in the Tide pod?


Yes, but people keep trying to eat in it.


Came to say the same thing. I’m all for finding smaller, more affordable options to safely shelter people. BUT, if you can’t come home tipsy or engage in fornication in your own home that you’re paying over $1,000/month for, I feel like we need a discussion about what freedoms one can expect by rights, in a home where they did not get to choose their roommates/pod-partners. Like, maybe lower rent limits would apply in situations where your home activities are more limited than in a “regular” apartment.
Architecturally speaking, even if these meet codes, I’d be worried about passive survivability (how long will the air be breathable if power goes out?), in addition to the evacuation/egress concerns already raised on the thread.

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Hong Kong cage homes anyone?


At least three more zeros before the decimal point. :roll_eyes:


I see your 'Resurrection and raise you one “Unquiet Grave.


I think they got this concept from a Black Mirror episode.


I remember an ambitious social organisation which, as far as I could discern, honestly aimed to help homeless people that described its wish to “disrupt provision of social housing”.

“Wait,” I thought, “Won’t that just mean more people are homeless?”

This “disruption” idea is ghastly and it gets everywhere.

Maybe they just needed a little time to sort everything out.



I’m working on the assumption that only intensive pheremonal control by the queen coder(or Chairman Shin Ji Yang and a Punishment Sphere) will keep this dystopia from collapsing into anarchy, madness; and internecine bloodletting.

The residents should be pulping old Amazon Prime boxes with their mandibles to produce a construction paste for expansions and repairs within a month or two; and once the eggs are laid we can expect we of them to bloat into ‘soylent drones’ as their bodies reprocess unnecessary internal tissues and organ systems into a nourishing food substitute to regurgitate to feed the larvae until they are spent husks.


100% agree with you.

I would go one more. Even if the space was charity (instead of being quite market rate, thankyouverymuch) it still needs to handle the use cases of the people who are housing in it, which includes both solo and partner sexual expression. It needs to handle drunkenness. It needs to handle cooking and eating and listening to music and making art and all of the myrad other parts of being human which is way more than sleeping and going to work.

Any space designed for human residence needs to be designed with those things in mind. It’s someone’s home.


The rich wonder why the poor loathe them so much. This arrangement practically says that if you’re poor and live in San Francisco, kill yourself. (Don’t kill yourself. Get your needs met.)


I wonder if the rich ever have trouble sleeping wondering when people will stop looking within themselves in their despair and start looking at them?


Sleeping Pods.

Sounds like a kind euphemism for coffins.


Peaceful coexistence is possible, though.