Explaining marine invertebrate reproductive strategies to the lobster-obsessed Jordan Peterson

Why is that an unmitigated good? Especially when it’s women who have to put our bodies on the line, and often put aside all other concerns to raise these families with little to no support or rewards.

What a bunch of misogynistic malarkey. No. Not all women enjoy raising women. How do I know? I’ve talked to lots of women, some of who love being wives and mothers, some who recognize that they don’t, and others who don’t recognize that they don’t, and end up being terrible at it.

There is nothing wrong with raising a family. There IS something wrong with a lack of choices based on what’s between your legs. Fuck all that noise.

Welcome to much of human history (especially in Europe). Now we’ve made different choices where women can decide that they can work or be house wives (most of the time). Again, CHOICES is the point here. People can make choices that they couldn’t make even 60 years ago. You or Peterson don’t get to decide what is best for me or any other women.

He’s wrong. Because it’s not like there was some magical point where all the work women did to raise families was respected. He’s also ignoring the fact that, despite idealizing women in the home only, that it’s barely actually existed in the real world, except among some very elite women. Women (and their labor) have always been marginalized in western culture (at least since the coming of Christianity) and they’ve almost always worked outside the home in some capacity as part of the economic structure of the home.

He’s also choosing to ignore that not all women want that life or are good at it. But I guess, in his mind, they don’t exist as real people.