Originally published at: Red Skull, thin skin: guru Jordan Peterson is angry that latest villain incarnation talks like him | Boing Boing
Peterson’s just overall lack of self-awareness is hilarious. Yeah, the Red Skull is using your talking points. Surprise, you’ve been part of the fash pipeline for several years now! How does it take a comic book to make you aware of that?!
“Contributors to the Atlantic like Ta-Nehisi Coates are moving on to comics.”
What a dope. First and most obvious, if a Nazi supervillain is stealing your talking points then that ought to be a wake-up call that there is something very wrong with your talking points. But beyond that Coates has been writing for Marvel since 2016 so this isn’t exactly a new endeavor for him.
Don’t forget that Tony Parfitt claims that Peterson regularly plagiarizes Hitler.
So the Red Skull’s kind of a natural.
I hope someone isn’t inspired by this to create a parody Twitter account along the lines of President Supervillain:
@beschizza There’s a misspelling of Ta-Nehisi Coates’s name in the link in your first paragraph.
On the plus side, at least the artist is making him more attractive.
Jordaddy is just sore that his 15-minutes of fame has passed. Really about 13 minutes, since he cut things short listening to his idiot daughter and her PUA husband about all-meat diets and risky Russian cures for his pill addiction.
Honestly, if fascism is one’s bag then Red Skull is a more stable and consistent and less self-destructive role model than Jordan Peterson.
Plus the Red Skull will be around long after Peterson is forgotten.
Shoes and fitting and something something.
I lost a friend who decided that she found Jordan Peterson’s ideas “interesting”. I wasn’t the only one to point out that he was obviously a right-wing nut-job. I wonder if she’s become fully fascist by now. Probably. > sigh! <
I think some of the appeal of Jordaddy is that he’s an older man who manages a balance between traditional tough guy masculinity and sensitivity, which might appeal to young, confused, angry men who don’t fully realize that what they are looking for is their first male lover.
Red Skull has been pretty firmly aligned with the American Alt-Right/Trumpist movement since at least 2016. He even gave a shout out to the Bundy clan’s occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
It’s worth pointing out here that Peterson does not manage his own Twitter. I believe his daughter is still managing his social media presence (and the verbiage used in the tweets is consistent with her speech patterns, and not Peterson’s).
Of course, I wouldn’t expect anybody who would liken Peterson to a nazi to actually do due diligence on this either (considering that speaking against Alt-Right and Nazis and other idiot ideologues is something he does regularly).
Anybody who becomes a devotee of Peterson and then becomes a right-wing nutjob isn’t actually following Peterson’s advice, or is conveniently ignoring the majority of it speaking against blindly following ideologies. More likely, they would have fallen onto any bandwagon that would give them some positive feedback to feed their cognitive biases. Peterson just happens to fill that niche because his emphasis on toughening up.
Either that, or I’m the only person in the world who has read all of his books (twice), listened to all of his lectures, and applied his advice to my life to improve myself, and have somehow not succumbed to whatever dog whistles and caterwauling lie beneath the surface.
Ta-Nahesi Coates didn’t say “Jordan Peterson is a Nazi.”
Ta-Nahesi Coates wrote some in-character dialogue for a Nazi Supervillain and Peterson (or the person he put in charge of his social media to speak on his behalf) angrily chimed in to say “Hey, why does that Nazi Supervillain sound just like me??”
That, sir, is what we call a “self-own.”
If true, then yeah, you’re a unicorn. Nobody else seems to understand his incoherent vague ramblings beyond their function in funneling them toward other groups and individuals who cater to and recruit incels and MGTOWs and PUAs.