Explaining marine invertebrate reproductive strategies to the lobster-obsessed Jordan Peterson

I can see how my statement might have been misinterpreted as a claim that he’s chosen to be the respectable face of the alt-right. But in a way it’s more sordid than that.

Peterson makes a somewhat convincing* effort to explain that he’s not part of that cesspool. However, as part of his attention-seeking schtick, he simultaneously goes out of his way to give shout-outs to their various noxious hobbyhorses and plead that they deserve a hearing by serious people. And then he acts shocked when he’s told that the core of his fan base is composed of people who are already involved in some sub-culture of the alt-right or who found their way into it through one of his videos.

I mean, I get it. He’s a charlatan and he’s raking in decent money every month from these weak-willed and entitled losers. But he can’t expect to be taken seriously by his own peers in the academy or in his social circles or by the reputable press anymore, either.

[* I’d say very convincing, but he’s definitely imbibed some of his own Kool-Aid about traditional male and female roles that would be on the menus in MRA and incel forums]