Originally published at: Explaining the relationship between Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' Lt. La'An and Khan from ST: TOS | Boing Boing
By then she can’t have much of his DNA; if any.
Unless the augments set up a secret community for a few hundred years.
I have not seen it yet… spoiler!
Even in our level of technology, we could transfer part or all of someone’s DNA to sperm or ovum, so they would have some of Khan’s DNA, though it’s grossly unethical, and risky. We could sequence Ricardo Montalban’s DNA (or, better, a living relative’s) , and broadcast it into space. If we had the sequence, from a message sent by space, we could, now, generate Montalban DNA. With subspace communication, he wouldn’t have to be on the same planet to have his DNA spread throughout the galaxy.
Last night’s episode, the 4th, Memento Mori, was really good.
hnn… “Explaining the relationship…” we knew from the episode that La’An is a descendant of Khan Noonien Singh and what we learn from this informative video (narrated by Gates McFadden) is that… La’An is a descendant of Khan (Noonien Singh). fromhellsheartistabatthee where’s our exacting “third cousin twice removed” designation!? (from which percent DNA may be computed)
Mmmmmm. . . a young Ricardo Montalban with long flowing jet black hair. . .
[“Picard” spoiler alert!]
The season finale of “Picard” even suggested a eventual link between an ancestor of Data’s creator (Noonien Soong) and Khan Noonien Singh. (FMI, see memory-alpha.fandom[dot]com/wiki/Project_Khan)
This is Star Trek, not Star Wars. They need to stop this
And welcome to the bbs!
That family has been a real pain-in-the-ass.
She isn’t augmented but related to the family apparently.
I don’t think they addressed the question yet. She did fight well against a genetically modified person.
Took out major spoiler. Sorry!
I’m just curious why she (or her parents) didn’t just change their last name. She mentioned trying to distance herself from him, so it’s not like she’s proud of the heritage.
It’s a bit weird Spiner keeps coming back for this sort of thing, since he claims he kept wanting them to kill Data off in the movies and only came back for Picard Season 1 because they finally would.
So I wasn’t really expecting him to show up playing Data’s Great Great Great^n Grandpappy.
I definitely wasn’t expecting Season 2 of Picard to be the “Actors who played dead/not yet born characters distantly related to their other characters” Variety Show with not only Soong but Soong’s daughter looking exactly like that Android girl from Season 1. And the Watcher being played by the same actress as Picard’s housekeeper.
How many siblings have been retconned into Spock’s life? I am pretty sure that he canonically has an older brother that is not mentioned at all in Discovery
I just don’t want them to make the Star Trek universe as small and (somewhat literally) incestuous as the Star Wars universe, which apparently has just a few dozen people in it
i’ve been really enjoying the show. the more episodic nature ( vs discovery’s continual “end of all the things” ) is refreshing. and la’an is probably of my favorite character so far.
in fact, my favorite moment so far is when they did a pan around the bridge while spock was on an away mission, and literally every crew person was a woman. it reminded me of the ruth bader ginsburg quote about how many women would be enough women on the supreme court.
( it’s super weird to me how much pike’s voice sounds like shatner’s – something in the timbre i think. mount playing pike comes off more like kirk to me than chris pine playing kirk! )
Sybok, from Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. TOS and the movies definitely set up Spock as a guy with a plethora of secret relatives.
- He once referred to having a “human ancestor,” then later revealed that ancestor was his mother.
- He only revealed that when Kirk tried to get Spock to go down to Vulcan to visit his parents while Ambassador Sarek and his wife Amanda were on board the Enterprise, and Spock replied (paraphrasing) “The ambassador and his wife are my parents.”
- He only revealed he was engaged when he went through pon farr and had to return to Vulcan to mate with T’Pring.
- Then he said Sybok was his brother, which Kirk misinterpreted as “All Vulcans are brothers” until Spock clarified that Sybok was “a son of Sarek”.
Dude really likes to keep his private life and work life separate.
Additional trivia: He also implied that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is one of his human ancestors.
Excellent! Happy cake day!
They did address it in episode 3.
I always pawned that off as Spock wryly joking. (He is capable of it).
Uhura: (concerning tribbles) they’re soft, furry and make a pleasing noise
Spock: so is an ermine violin, but I have no desire to have one.
I’m a bit perplexed, in Space Seed they seem to have trouble identifying Khan Noonien Singh from Starfleet records.
It is a bit hard to believe that a member of his family was on board the ship that later finds him but to they still have so much trouble with identifying. Especially if the descendant had been in Starfleet medical database it seems like identifying Khan should have been pretty straightforward. I guess maybe it just gets lost in the shuffle when Kirk takes command.