Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/05/07/dalek.html
Portmanteau-man here -
It’s a croch-alek!
Seriously, this is very well done. I so want this pattern!
Thanks for posting this, it brightened my day!
/adds to queue
Hey, I do nerdy crochet, too!
free hand; sorry, no pattern.

making-crafting-creating-aka-whatcha-workin-on - Baby Yoda!
I work with a knitter of daleks (and carnivorous plants), which is a good thing. I’ve tried to persuade her to knit a cyberman, but no luck yet.
One might even say EX-TER-MI-KNIT!
Oooooh, those are great! Excellent job!
Thank you! I was shocked a few years ago when my teenage nephew told me he liked Doctor Who - totally forgot that BBC America was a thing - and just had to make them for him.
As are you. Hey, its been an age, hasn’t it?
Hey, hon; good to see you.
Hope you’re taking care and staying safe!
Did one of those myself at the beginning of the Rona. I think I fucked it up, but whatever:
Holy shit it has been. Welcome back!
Holy cow.
An a crocheted Dalek brought you in, no less. I will toast to that tonight.
Still looks adorable!
I can’t convince one of my in-laws to crochet, but knitting a Dalek would make them really happy, I think. Can you ask your co-worker where to find the instructions?
Not a fuck up, just eccentric. It’s adorbs!
Dalek pattern. There’s a bunch to be found on teh googles.
Since the only knitting I do is with knitr, I appreciate pre-screened links to pass on. And since I, for one, have a total of Doctor Who episodes watched of (if I remember correctly, that is) three: doubly so.
[ Please don’t judge extermninate me. ]