Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/11/03/fbsaler-aka-john-smith.html
So, “We think we know which extensions are doing this, but we are not going to tell you.” And they still can claim, with a straight face, “this is not our fault.” I am so glad i do not have FB. To say they engage in jungle rules is an insult to jungles.
Anybody who installs a personal shopping assistant deserves exactly what they get. I don’t give a damn if it’s victim-blaming. Some victims deserve blame.
I think Facebook vastly underestimates how repeated breaches of private messages will hurt them. I swapped out Facebook messenger for Signal, and once I wasn’t using messenger my use dropped dramatically.
Edit: Oops hit save early. Wanted to link to Metcalfe’s law:
The strength of Facebook’s network is N^2. “Small” numbers of people leaving has a cascading effect in the system.
Did those browser plug-ins only slurp Facebook data, or did 120M people get nailed for everything?
I have a few relatives that install stuff like this, and I find it really hard to put into words how to determine what is sketchy and what isn’t. I generally stick with, “Assume everything is malware”, or “just don’t install plugins”.
Even then, explaining about ads that look like warnings from your OS is a nightmare. They design this stuff to look convincing, but if you say, “ignore system all warnings”, they might miss actual warnings from the OS or virus checker.
“The dog ate my homework.”
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