Facebook harmed America and is ‘living, breathing crime scene’ over 2016 U.S. election, insiders say

This is a blanket statement that needs evidence to back it up. I don’t think it’s true or as simple as you described. Look at Apple and Microsoft. Microsoft dominated desktop operating systems for the better part of two decades. Apple was forever the bit player, until two things happened: iTunes and then the iPhone. Then, Apple became mainstream and ubiquitous and now co-dominant for total OSes across all devices, with Android in the mix as well. If you pile up all the phones, tablets, laptops and desktops and tally the type of operating systems they run, there is no clear monopoly. So, I don’t buy your assertion.

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Markets can certainly behave monopolistically with more than one competitor.

To the point where I almost think the term itself- monopoly, actually helps hide the activities it produces, because our default is to believe that the actions of a single combination is what creates monopoly conditions. While that can certainly be the case, monopolistic conditions are found in many multi-competitor markets.

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Also outdated in the U.S. As the McNamee article discusses, the main criteria for identifying a company as a monopoly centre around whether consumers are paying more for its service or product than they otherwise would. That’s not an issue with a company like FB that offers a “free” service.


Don’t make the housing too big. One of the key advantages of the Pi is that it doesn’t hurt if you drop it on your foot. :grin:

From the looks of it, people have done it in the past, but they didn’t leave instructions other than to follow the Debian install, so I’ll see.

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It’s worth remembering as well that antitrust law was originally used as a tool in fighting the labor movement, not actual monopolies. IIRC the Sherman act was used hundreds of times for union busting before good ole Teddy started going after the railroads.


Hmm, for Debian Stretch, they have a beta-ish “apt-get install diaspora”.

Hold my beer…


Just because someone was anti-Hillary doesn’t mean they were Russian propaganda. This narrative is tired and defeatist.

There was real propaganda at work here but Hillary lost because she was a Wall Street-beholden neoliberal chosen by party insiders in a smoke-filled room, who added nothing new to the conversation and didn’t appeal to broad swaths of the population.


you guys just won’t let it go. i’d rather have a corporate shill than the absolute dumpster fire we’ve got right now. thanks for helping trump get elected. i hope you are proud of what you’ve done.

So much for that party reconciliation and “lessons learned” we were promised after the Donna Brazile and DWS scandals, eh?

When the DNC puts up another corporate shill in 2020, I look forward to voting my conscience again. Please, I hope you continue to accuse me of being an agent for the other side; your bitter tears reenforce my resolve to get the neoliberals out of MY party.


Of course. You are right in pointing out that what I wrote was an oversimplification and that monopolies do not always happen. In the case of Microsoft, however, the existence of Apple insured that Microsoft was not broken up so may be there is another reason for the duality. The real monopoly at the time was actually Excel (a Microsoft product available on the Mac), which insured Microsoft’s stronghold in the corporate market.

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you are not an agent for the other side. you are just misguided and susceptible to being manipulated by your feelings. the youth equivalent of a baby boomer fox news viewer.

you made your bed, now lie in it. if you are truly a bernie supporter then you are aghast at what has happened. but more likely, you’re just another disenfranchised youth that thinks it would be cool to see the world burn. well, you got your wish.

wake up - your party is the socialist party. join that party, not the democratic party.

No he isn’t. Supporting single payer and a higher minimum wage does not a socialist make.


Keep telling “the youth” (of which I am not one, but nice assumption anyhow) to leave the Democratic party, and the Democratic party will find themselves geriatric, angry, and divested of active grassroots membership who yell at the young people to stay off their yard - just like the Republicans have been doing lately. Kind of like what you’re doing here.


Oh FFS, this is the most disingenuous trifling I have seen in a while. The issue was never Bernie’s favorables, there were people who, like myself, would have been perfectly fine voting for Bernie, had he won the primary. The issue was all of the pissing and moaning about how it’s all rigged, taking-your-ball-and-going-home rhetoric that emerged once it was evident that Sanders wasn’t going to win. That sort of “it’s all corrupt” false-equivalency rhetoric was absolutely toxic, and it was more prevalent among privileged members of the left, who didn’t have as much to lose in weathering 4-8 years of a Trump presidency.

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Some people may interpret that comment as racist. Me for instance. The research you linked to does not bear out your glibly offensive conclusion.


absolutely this. and it’s what got us trump. just like the argument i’m having with a self-righteous bernie bro right here in this thread… he’s celebrating my tears because it’s better to have trump than crooked hillary, because hillary cheated bernie.

I am convinced that the Democratic party has nominated its last white candidate for the presidency. You may consider that racist if you so wish.

The Democratic party is a big tent party, and has included democratic socialists and social Democrats for the last 80 years. They need the socialists to vote for them if they are to win the house/senate/presidential elections, however much you don’t want them in your party.

I will repeat myself - The Democrats can’t afford to alienate socialists if they want to win control of the government. You may not like it but it is the reality of the situation.


As one of the system’s duopoly parties it pretty much has to be one. Anyone saying “join the socialist party” to Sanders supporters is either being disingenuous or doesn’t understand the American political system. There’s a reason that Bernie caucaused with the Dems in the Senate for years.

I’m sure any Republicans and their enablers reading this thread are just delighted to see liberals and progressives still taking every opportunity they can to re-hash the 2016 Dem primaries when everyone else (including Sanders) has moved on to the 2018 midterm and special elections.

Yes, 2016 showed a great split (mostly generational) in where voters think the Dems should be going, and exposed serious corruption and incompetence and inertia within the DNC establishment (AKA the Hillary 2016 campaign). But whatever one’s opinions are the fact remains that Clinton won the popular votes, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is gone, and it’s time to move on.