Facebook values Whatsapp users' data at $1/year

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Facebook is presently valued at $278.6B, with 1.23B monthly active users, meaning that the company is managing to reap a total of a paltry $2.26

Trying the math myself, isn’t $278 / 1.23 = $226.00, not $2.26?

Regardless, Facebook the corporation is disgusting, and I’m appalled that so many people give up so much information. When the police state run by algorithms comes, who knows which side of the chopping block they’ll be on…


Post everything to Facebook as public. Don’t ever post anything private. Done! You’ve managed to use Facebook AND keep your privacy intact. Wasn’t that difficult, was it?

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When WhatsApp announced the Facebook purchase, I changed my information and deleted my account.

Funny thing, I had a facebook account from 2008-2008. I “permanently deleted” the account within a month or so of opening it. I just started getting calls/texts this weekend from Facebook notifying me that someone repeatedly has requested a password change. It’s amazing how that works for an account that “doesn’t exist” anymore.


I didn’t ditch Whatsapp when it got bought, but now I’m no longer paying for the product I’m starting to change my mind, not sure that any of my friends will migrate though so I guess I’m stuck with it.

I don’t think that’s how stock valuation works, unless the stock is in bankruptcy.

Well, aside from giving away all the social graph stuff, sure.

The only people I have ever found to use WhatsApp are spammers.

Well, you really can’t have it both ways. Twitter also knows who you follow.

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