Originally published at: Faces of Republican and Democrat US senators combined into two monstrous headshots | Boing Boing
Chills you to the bone, yuck.
Are the neck ties “combined” as well? (“And by ‘combined’ are we talk’n mean or median?” …well, old white male mode of dubious dentistry mostly)
Thanks, I hate it
Totally checks out, unfortunately
Republican face: overweight, smug, and very punchable.
Democrat face: thin, bad teeth, and kinda creepy.
I’d vote Democratic based on the faces alone.
Democrat face looks like someone closely related to Jimmy Carter.
Shouldn’t 16% of the clothes of the Republican and 32% of the Democrat be women’s? That would reflect the 8 Republicans (of 50) and the 16 Democrats (of 50). I want to see some pearls on that Republican!
Warren Ellis called it.
Ech, well. There goes my appetite.
I think this is fake.
There’s 16 democratic woman senators and numerous POCs I don’t see represented in that image.
Edit: @Malarkey beat me to it.
Egads! Bring back the fucking mouth eyes! Anything’s less horrifying than these (reflections of truth)
I mean, there are also brunettes and people with facial hair in Congress. The algorithm (like many algorithms) is likely biased toward majority phenotypes and biased against minority ones when making its selections.
Anyway, if this this is real, it might be interesting to do finer-grain combos. How does the face of the progressive caucus compare to the face of the finance committee, etc.
Fun Fact: The Smiler was based on Tony Blair.
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