Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/04/30/famed-can-opener-bridge-gets-a-theme-song.html
Why don’t they just lower the road.
Oh yeah: @wazroth
No, no, no. They RAISE the bridge into a steep triangular point, and then we get to watch the locomotives do sick ramp jumps.
“What if they changed the song’s time signature?”
Tool has entered the chat.
(This song is in 2/4, 3/4, 5/4, 8/4, 13/4, then alternating bars 9/8, 11/8 until the chorus…)
They don’t need to raise the bridge, just extend the chorus.
Dream Theater enters the chat and throws Tool out a window, adding over 100 time signature changes.
I drive under the Glenville bridge fairly often. When I do, I mourn how another low-slung bridge gets all the BBS action… until today. Today is a good day to damage vehicles.
Make the track into a vertical loop!
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